Crystal POV
I was a wreck when I got home, overthinking everything and trying to figure out how will I tell him. Will he be happy? Will he be mad?
I went over every scenario in my head about how this may go.
Deliah went straight to Jeff and I went to Zanian’s office.
I heard him on the phone so I waited until he was done before I went in.
I opened the door and stepped inside, I tried hiding what I’m feeling, but it seems that I can’t. when he saw me he walked over to me and tried to hug me. I took a step back and went to sit down instead.
I looked at him and realized something, he isn’t really one with his senses, because he didn’t know I was outside the door and he can’t seem to sense my distress. That was a relieve but somehow also disappointing.
When I asked him about a family he looked confused and I could feel his every emotion I know this is sudden and not planned, but it happened and there is nothing either of us can do about it because killing my children will never even be a thought.
It will take some time for him to get used to the idea and I will give his space and time, but when he said,
“I thought you were on the pill or something, because you weren’t a virgin.”
At that moment the only thing that kept me upright was the door, I have never in my life been this hurt by one sentence.
He thought I was sleeping around. And that knowledge is killing me, breaking my already broken heart.
I had to fight back Raven because she had a lot to say to him and I could feel the hurt disappearing and anger taking its place.
I went looking for Zane and found them in the yard, I told him I need some time and that is when Deliah came out and saw my face and the tears. She walked me to the edge of the woods and I told her what happened. I have never seen her this angry.
“it’s okay, I just need some time.”
“where are you going?”
“I don’t know, but I have to do something before Raven loses control.”
“okay, you go I will keep him off your back.”
I gave her a hug and I left. when I was far enough I shifted into Roxy and we took off. I just need to not feel for a moment, and when Roxy is out everything becomes numb and my mind clear.
We ran and ran for what felt like hours but was only a phew minutes.
We finally stopped at a small pond for a break and water.
I can’t even think about Zanian, when I think of him I don’t even feel anything.
*you will be okay.* Roxy said and lay down.
I need to kill something, feel my teeth sink into something.
*I know just what you need.* Roxy said and jumped up.
“and what is that?”
*a good old fashioned hunt.*
We went searching for the biggest animal we could find and found a disgusting group of rogues instead. When they saw us it was like a light went off in their eyes.
Some was in human form and some was in their wolf form.
“well, well, well, what have we here?”
“is that what I think it is?”
“a marked and mated fox.”
“well hallo darling, come to have some fun?”
I couldn’t help but feel disgusted. I mean I have never seen so many disgusting wolves on one place, there must be at least twelve of them.
“cat got your tongue?”
“maybe she doesn’t understand.”
“ohh she understands.”
“how much do you think she’ll be worth?”
“more than you know, because they are supposed to be extinct.”
And that was the last straw, Roxy growled at then and bent down ready to attack.
All of them are shifted now and ready for a fight.
I could feel Roxy’s excitement and that made me excited, a bit more than it should actually.
I could feel power rushing through our veins and then everything happened in slow motion. Roxy could predict every movement the rogues will make even before they make it. She dodged and ripped, using teleportation and freaking the rogues out. she circled the phew that was left a phew times before attacking them head on.
By the time she was done we were covered in blood and every rogue dead.
It was kind of disappointing because it was over so fast like it never even happened, but the evidence says otherwise.
The thing about getting dirty when you shift is that when you shift back to yor human self, your skin becomes dirty.
You and your animal shares one skin. Roxy ran back home feeling all fresh and giddy and ready for the day. When we got closer to the border I shifted back to human and grabbed the first shirt I saw. I looked down at my body and I was covered in blood, and stink.
‘great now how will I get in without someone seeing me?’
*you can always teleport to the bathroom.* Roxy said and raven immediately disagreed.
*she’ll get sick again.*
I listened to them bicker and just shut them both out.
I walked to the pack house seeing everyone stare at me and I could hear gasps and hush voices.
As I got closer to the pack house I looked for Zanian, didn’t see him so I ran upstairs and ran smack into Zane.
By the short scream he gave I could tell I startled him. “what the hell?”
He looked at me up and down and covered his mouth.
“what the hell C?”
“I’m fine, just had some fun.”
“you are covered in blood and you’re leg is bleeding.” Zane said and I looked down.
I didn’t even know my leg was bleeding until now. I could see the bite mark and wondered which one bit me.
“what happened?”
“nothing.” I said and tried to walk past him.
He put his arm out and caught me, “I don’t know what is going on, but you coming home looking like this and Zanian busting my ass to know where you are is not working.”
“I’m sorry.”
“what is going on C? first you were crying and now you are covered in blood?”
“nothing, just leave it for now please.”
Zane nodded his head and stepped out of my way. I walked past him and down to our bedroom, when I opened the door I found Zanian sitting on the bed with his head bent down. I stared at him for half a second remembering what he said and did and I could feel the hurt returning again. He looked up at me and jumped from the bed, “what the hell happened to you?”
“nothing, I’m fine. I’m ganna shower.” I grabbed some cloths and Zanian stepped in my way.
“what the hell Crystal? This is how you go and work off your anger by getting yourself into danger? You are carrying my pup.”
“you don’t even want him Zanian, I got that message loud and clear, so it is my pup and I protect them. When you are ready to except your responsibility in this we can talk, but until then. Never call them your pups.”
“what do you mean by them and pups as in more than one?”
“it’s twins, so yes just double the stress for you and double the problems.”
“I never said it’s a problem I just said I didn’t want to add more stress to our plates.”
“yes, because I was supposed to be on the pill right.”
After I said that I could see the pain and regret in his eyes, but didn’t care. he didn’t feel anything throwing that in my face so why should I care now?
I walked past him and into the bathroom locking the door behind me.
I took a hot shower washing all the blood and stink off me. I looked down at my leg and saw it was already healing. By the time I finished showering the water was cold. I switched the shower off and got dressed, when I left the bathroom Zanian was still in the room.
“I saw your leg. What happened?”
“I got in a fight with 12+ rogues and I didn’t know one nipped me, but I am fine thank you.”
“Crystal you have got to stop doing this. We will something have a fight or disagree about something. You can’t always run off.
“I didn’t run Zanian I am hurt because you think I slept around, and I was fighting a losing battle with Raven she was on the verge or coming out. that is why I left. I never run from my problems if that is what you are trying to accuse me of.”
“I’m sorry I said that, I shouldn’t have.”
“no you shouldn’t have, but you did.”
“I want to have a family Crystal, and I am all in. I was just surprised because I didn’t think it will happen so fast. And to be honest I am scared, for them, for you, for me because I have no idea what is coming.”
“Zanian, I am also scared, but we can’t turn back the clock and I will never ever give them up like our parents did with us.”
“then we will be a family.”
“do you really mean that?”
“yes, from the depth of my soul, and I will love you forever.”
I was stunned because he said it, he said the word I have been dying to hear from him. I looked at him and said, “say that again.”
“I love you Crystalia Stone, and I will love our pups.”
I threw my hands around his neck and kissed him whispering “I love you too.” against his lips.
He picked me up and carried me over to the bed, where he showed me just how much he does love me.
Zane POV
I am in Deliah’s house setting up everything for her payback. She thinks I forgot just because I found my mate, but I made promise and I always keep my promises.
I have been working on this plan for so long so I hope it works.
I went and download a picture of the thing from the movie, drew it on see through paper and cut it out. I painted it with see through glow and the dark paint left it to dry and now I just finished sticking it to Deliah’s bedroom full length mirror. When she switches off the light the thing will glow and when she switches it on it will disappear.
I moved the mirror more forward and took a video of the whole setup, I hid my phone behind the mirror covering it so that just the camera shows.
“I feel sorry for Jeff because he will need new eardrums.”
“she will kill you for this.”
Tracy helped me set everything up and to not make it look suspicious.
I have been avoiding Deliah the whole day, scared that I might give something away.
Tracy an I went for a late night walk leaving her to go hunt I sat there lost in thought.
Everything we wre ever told about vampires was a lie. Yes, you get good ones and bad ones, but in every species you get good and bad.
When I found out that she is a vampire I didn’t care, because I excepted her for who she is as she did me.
We spent most of our first days together behind closed doors. I was worried about how the pack will treat her, but seeing her with the pups and training with her makes me long for a family of our own.
Neither Zanian nor Crystal has said anything of where they were or what happened. Tracy just said they will talk to everyone when the time is right.
“I’m all done.” Tracy said as she sat down next to me.
“did you enjoy it?”
“yes, and no. I’m a vampire I need human blood if I want to keep my strength up and stay healty.” Tracy said and her whole mood changed. She looked sad and worried.
“I asked Jeff to get some, he said he’ll have it by tomorrow. O negative right?”
She looked at me and smiled, “how did you know?”
“when we met I saw a bag of blood in your bag, and before you say anything I didn’t snoop I was curious to see what you like.”
“and it didn’t gross you out or something?”
“no, why should it? You are my mate, that means I except every part of you.”
She leaned in and I captured her lips tasting the blood in her mouth, I should be grossed out or something, but I’m not. When I say I except every part of her I really mean it. She is my other half given to me for a reason and I will love her and cherish her for as long as she wants me.