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The Rogue Alpha’s Unexpected Mate Chapter 34

Cryatsl POV

“I feel like having chocolate WITH ice-cream not chocolate ice-cream.” I said and gave the bowl back to Zanian. he looked at me and threw his hand in the air, “it’s the same thing, both are chocolate.” He said and walked off to the kitchen.

My stomach has become so huge over a months’ time that when I stand up I cannot even see my feet, or tie my own shoes. Let alone find something to wear that still fits and lately I’ve only been wearing Zanian’s shirts or sweat pants.

I only have a month more to go then this will be all over. When Zanian came back he was carrying a bowl of vanilla ice-cream and two chocolates. One is hazel-nut and the other is peppermint. I smiled and took it from him, “thank you.” I said and started eating. “how is this any different than chocolate ice-cream?” Zanian asked and I just shook my head. He got the message and left me to eat in peace.

Zane never tried anything again, but he also didn’t let us forget the video and what he will do with it. We tried finding it on his phone, just to be told that he put it on a USB and hid it where we won’t find it.

Tracy has been in her glory, shopping for baby clothes and helping getting the nurseries ready for both me and Deliah, so we don’t see her much.

Zanian and Jeff found a new hiding spot they think we don’t know about.

I don’t know why I miss a man I have never met until a phew months ago, but I have been re-living Donovan’s memories over and over again. Especially the ones my mother is in. I can’t help but compare myself to her. She laughs like me, and she has the same attitude as me, she doesn’t like scary movies and she had weird cravings when she was pregnant with me. Through Donovan’s memories It feels like they are here, helping me, teaching me, but most of all I can feel the love they had for me even before I was born.

I felt the couch dip and arms go around me. when I looked at the person it was Tracy.

“why are you crying?” she asked. I moved my hands over my face, and true I am crying. I didn’t even notice that I’m crying.

I looked at her and said, “I just, I miss him and I wish I had more time with him, to get to know him the way you did.”

I could see realization sinking in. she made herself more comfortable and looked at me, she took my hands in hers and said. “If you want to you can see my memories I have of him, they aren’t all pretty but it’s something that might help you. I don’t know how he was when your mother was still alive, but I know how much it has destroyed him when she died.”

I thought about it and kindly refused, I don’t want to ruin the memories I have of them.

“come let’s go for a short walk and then you can go and sleep for a bit.” Tracy said and I couldn’t refuse her. She helped me up and the minute I got up the babies started kicking and this is worse than all the other times. I groaned and grabbed my stomach, rubbing small circles. This is the worst, but also the best feeling. It feels like they are tearing up my insides, but I’m happy because I know they are still okay.

“okay we’ll leave the walk and go straight to bed.”

Tracy helped me up the stairs and took me to bed. She sat with me until I drifted off to sleep.

Tracy POV

Leaving Chrystal and Deliah was never part of the plan, but with their mood swings and whining just wasn’t for me, so I left on my own and went baby shopping. Zane gave me his Card, but I didn’t need it because I have money of my own.

I went into multiple stores and as I walk I can feel people staring and men lusting after me. when I started buying clothes, and cribs I wondered how everything will fit into the car. ‘will just have to make it fit then.’

Ever since I found Zane everything is perfect, and I mean perfect. He isn’t pushing or nagging me about mating, every time I go for a hunt he goes with me, and the best thing is he listens when I talk and he’s there when I’m having a bad day. Everything about him is just perfect, his smile, his gentleness, the way he talks everyday it makes me fall in love with him more and more.

“excuse me miss, do you need some help?” I heard a lady ask, I looked at her and realized I was so lost in my thoughts that I was just standing there staring at the box in my hand.

“I’m actually looking for crib decorations, you know those things they hang from above that plays the lullaby?” I said and I sounded silly because I have no idea what they are called.

“right at the end of the isle you will find what you are looking for.”

I thanked the lady and moved on. I found everything there, even baby monitors, baby. I just bought everything.

On my way to the car I was feeling silly, because why didn’t I take the SUV?

I got most of the things but not everything. I still need paint, lights, books, blankets, and chairs, One for Deliah and one for Chrystal. A nursery is not completed without a rocking chair.

It is already dark when I get home so I parked the car and decided to offload tomorrow. As I walked through the house I could hear laughter and someone kept saying, “things could have been worse, they are both pregnant.”

And then I heard Zane’s laughter and knew that our prank worked. I walked in and found them all hunched over as they laughed.

Zane filled me in on what happened and he showed me the video right after he told me how they found Deliah and Chrystal in the TV room upstairs. I know it was rude of me, but I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw the video.

Needless to say, Zane got punishment and I went to work.

After a month and a half the nurseries are finally done and I am happy with my work. As I stood there admiring what I have done I couldn’t help but think how I would one day decorate my Nursery.

I rubbed a hand over my flat stomach and all this baby talk and decorating made me wish I could have a baby, but this is not the time.

I walked out to go and find Chrystal to show off my work, but instead I found her crying on the couch. I called her name, but she looks so lost in thought that I don’t think she heard me. I sat down next to her and just threw my arms around her. I might have an idea of what she is thinking about, and it was confirmed when she started talking about him. I wish I could bring them back for her, or at least have her see him one last time.

As soon as Chrystal fell off to sleep I left and found Zanian in his office, I told him to keep an eye on Chrystal her cramps are getting worse.

He thanked me and walked off to their room. ‘what to do now?’

Deliah already knows about her nursery I finished hers first. She isn’t as moody as Chrystal, but she is tired a lot and sleeping most of the time. Only one more month to go and then the babies will be here.

“there you are, I was looking for you.” Zane said as he snuck up behind me and pulled me against his chest. He knows everything that happened because I told him. So he knows about Zanian and the war that is to come. He has been training with me learning new skills and new tactics, and he has built more muscle and he looks more tanned.

“Chrystal is sleeping, Deliah I sleeping, the nurseries are done, so I am all yours again.” I said and leaned into him.

“well, we can always go for a run. My wolf has been bugging for days nonstop.”

“first one to the pond then?” I asked and Zane was already getting undressed.

When he shifted his wolf looked bigger, I ran my hand through his fur and listened to him almost purring.

He gave me a wholfie grin and took off running. I am faster than him so I gave him a head start.

Zanian POV

I love Chrystal, but these mood swings is a bit too much now. From moment to moment she changes, friendly, sad, angry, lovable, irritated, and then there is the crying. I have never seen a woman cry this much. ‘I mean how much tears does a woman have?’

I left her on the couch and walked off to my office. I have been slacking on work looking after Chrystal and her every need, so now I have catch up.

Kyle has been doing most of my work for me, like attending meetings and doing the office stuff, Zane has been helping him, but he is mostly here at home.

I can’t wait for these babies to be out.

Tracy came to tell me that Chrystal is sleeping and that her Cramps are getting worse. Jeff said it’s normal, because she is carrying the babies of a strong wolf. I felt sorry for her the first time I saw her getting a cramp and her whole face scrunched up in pain. I didn’t know what to do or how to help her. Every time she gets one of these Cramps her eyes changes color. I guess her wolf is helping her by taking some of the pain.

I checked on her and saw she is sleeping then I went back to work.

I haven’t spoken or heard from Zack after our phone call and it still bothered me that he knew and never told me, I mean we used to be close before I got sent away. And after my sister died everything changed.

I was looking through the books on the shelf looking for a specific book, I tried pulling out one book and heard something click.

‘what the hell?’ I asked myself and pulled the book again, but it is stuck to the shelf. I looked around for something that looks odd or out of place, because I have no idea what clicked. I pushed the book back and pulled again and this time the whole bookcase moved.

I pulled it forward but it didn’t move, I walked to the side and pushed it and only then did it move.

Standing in front of a brown half door I could feel my heart racing and my palms began to get sweaty. I don’t know if I should open the door or just pretend I’ve never found it.

‘yah, like that is going to happen?’ I scoffed at myself and laid my hand on the door handle.

*once you see what is behind here you can never un-see it Zanian. so you have to be one hundred percent sure.*

“Do you know what is behind this door? And don’t lie.”

*no, and even if I didn’t don’t you think I would tell you?*

“no I don’t think so because you have been keeping a lot of things from me and I don’t know, maybe you could be hiding more.”

*it was for your own good Zanian, and you know that.*

“do I Blaze?”

I cut him off and pushed handle down. Whatever is on the other side, I hope it helps me and not leave me more confused.

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