Zanian POV
As I stand here in front of the door I pushed it open a little and was greeted by darkness.
I waited for my eyes to adjust before I stepped in, and thank heavens I did because there’s steps and nothing to hold on to.
The further I go down the colder it gets, and the more it starts to smell. I stepped down from the last step and looked around. Even through Blaze’s eyes I couldn’t see much, and I wish my nose was blocked. I looked around to see if I can find a light switch and found a string hanging from the ceiling.
I closed my eyes and pulled the string. I took a deep breath and cleared my mind preparing myself for what I’m about to see.
I opened my eyes and stood there stunned and at a loss for words.
Right in front of me is a table three times the size of my office desk, Papers and books scattered all around, some open and some closed.
I stepped closer and looked at the first book that caught my eyes. It looks very old, almost an antique. I looked down and read the title, “GIFT OF A FOX” why would this be here?
I looked at more books and almost every one of them was about Foxes.
“who is there?” I heard and I swear my heart stopped beating. I looked around and I couldn’t see anyone. ‘what the hell, now I’m really losing my mind?’
Just when I was about to let it go I heard again, “who is there?”
I still couldn’t see anyone, “who are you?” I asked and waited, after about two minutes of silence I really feel as though I’m going crazy.
I turned around and that was a mistake.
I yelped and jumped back cursing as I go. I tried getting my wild beating heart under control, but nothing I did worked.
“calm down will ya, it’s not like I’m ganna kill you.”
I looked at the tiny person in front of me and for the first time I had a look at its features.
I have never in my life seen something like this.
Before I could think I asked, “what are you?”
It looked at me and smiled, at that moment I really didn’t want to be here. All I could see was small sharp pointy teeth as white as snow. As small as they are they look dangerous.
I looked at its eyes and couldn’t decide what they remind me off, a black hole or a glitter ball.
Its eyes are black and sparkly, and it is very small I think 3 feet is too tall.
It has sharp pointy ears, but too big for an Elf. And the hair, OMG don’t get me started on the hair. It looks like he grabbed onto a live wire and never let go. It’s literally standing up in every direction you can think of.
“you know it is very rude to stare mister.” It said and took a step closer causing me to take a step back. “what are you?” I asked and I couldn’t help but stare. Never in my life have I came across this type of species and I’ve never even heard about it.
“I don’t know what I am, I haven’t thought of a name for myself yet seeing that I am the only one of my kind and have been hiding in here afraid of what the world might do to me if they found me. But, I have a name and you can call me Spike. At least that is what he called me.”
I looked at him and the suited him perfectly. “what do you mean him?” I asked and knelt down.
“The one who found me and gave me my name, he brought me here and since then I’ve been in here. The one that looks like you took me in and looked after me. I haven’t seen either of them is so long, I was down here and waiting for them, they kept me company.
Do you have his name Spike?” I asked and I don’t know what I was hoping for, but I didn’t expect to hear this. Yes, his name was Donovan, and he brought me here to Odin saying I will be safe here.”
“you knew my father?” I asked before I could stop myself. Spike looked at me and I swear his eyes has more sparkles in them.
“you are the lost Prince?” spike asked and his shocked face almost looks scarier than his normal face.
“what species are you from Spike?” I asked changing the subject.
“I think my father was a Troll and my mother a river fairy or vice versa, I don’t know, but I do know that I’m not supposed to exist.”
“what have you been doing down here?”
“I like reading and I have been studying foxes for a long time. They are truly magnificent.”
I stayed down and spoke to Spike for a phew more minutes then decided to go up. He doesn’t want anyone to know he is here, not unless he knows it is safe. He said that the pack Odin had here were violent. They had only one purpose and that was to kill. I explained to him that with our pack it is different and that he can come out and he can be part of us. He said he would think about it and all he asked was for fish and raw meat, preferably with big bones. I closed the door again and pushed back the bookcase making sure I left no traces that it was opened.
I didn’t know how to feel or what to think, I mean there is a small creature living beneath the house and I never even knew about it.
Sitting back on my chair the door swung open and a scared looking Zane came running in.
“I don’t know what the hell to do anymore, and hiding is not working. I have two pregnant females on my back and guess what, they aren’t even my females. Go and sort Chrystal out before she gives birth or explodes.”
I looked at Zane confused and then I heard it, “Zane, where the hell are you?”
He looked at me with a pleading face and puppy dog eyes I have never seen on a man before. I got up from my chair and gave a loud sight. I told Zane to go to your room and stay there and walked off to find Chrystal and a shouting Deliah.
Deliah POV
I was just waking up from a good nap when I heard my stomach growl. I got out of bed and went into the pack house to find some food. When I walked into the kitchen I found Zane eating my last strawberry moose bowl. I want in a bad mood, but after seeing him I got angry.
“what the hell do you think you are doing?” I asked and he literally jumped. He looked at me and then hid his hands behind his back. “D, you are awake. I was just about to come and see if you want something.” Zane said and just looked at me and then at the door. “what are you eating?” I asked him and he just smiled a guilty smile and took his hand out from behind his back holding the other one up in surrender. “that was mine Zane!” I shouted and then Chrystal came in. she looked at me and smiled and then she looked at Zane. “what have you eaten this time?” she asked him. He held up the strawberry moose and said, “it was just standing there and then I heard it calling my name saying, eat me please.”
He tried joking and if I wasn’t so mad then I might have laughed at the way he said it and the way he pulled his face. Chrystal walked over to the fridge and started looking for something.
“where is it Zane?” she asked and looked directly at him.
“ where is what?” I asked looking between the two of them.
“my chocolate mousse.”
Zane looked at the door and then he ran. Seeing that Chrystal and me cannot run after him we started shouting at him and walking after him. By the time we made it to the stairs he was long gone.
“ladies, my beautiful girls, what has poor Zane done now?” Zanian asked as he came down stairs. Chrystal and I looked at Zanian and then we both shouted for Zane at the same time causing Zanian to cover his ears.
“he went and called you?” I asked Zanian who just raised his hands and said, “he didn’t know where else to go and might I say, I get why he is scared of you, so what has he done now?”
Chrystal started climbing the stairs, but Zanian stopped her. “let me go Zanian. If he wants to call you then I can call Tracy can’t I?” Chrystal asked.
“Zane ate my last strawberry moose and he ate Chrystal’s chocolate mousse.” I said and Zanian just looked at us, opening and closing his mouth and then he just let out a sight.
“It’s just moose, we can go to the store and get some more.”
“That is not the point Zanian, the point is it wasn’t his to take.” Chrystal said.
Zanian looked at us ad rubbed his head, “when are you due?” he asked me and I said two weeks, Chrystal looked at him and said, “I don’t know. Jeff said the babies will know when it’s time because my pregnancy was too fast for his liking.”
Zanian rubbed his head and took us by our arms and walked us to the kitchen opening a cupboard and it was a little fridge, in that little fridge was more mousse. We looked at him and hugged him simultaneously kissing him on the cheeks.
“now will you please leave Zane alone?” Zanian asked and smiled at us.
“yes.” Chrystal and I said.
Chrystal smelled something because I can see her nose moving, she leaned in closer to Zanian and smelled him.
“where have you been?” she asked and covered her nose.
He looked at her and then just shook his head saying, “you don’t wanna know.”
“you need a bath and very strong shower Gel.” Chrystal said and walked out of the room.
I took a strawberry moose and walked to the TV room to relax. I have been sleeping so much that I lost track of the days. I need to be awake for a while. I put on Supernatural and tried to make sense of the movie, at first it bored me and now I can’t stop watching.
It’s four in the morning Jeff said for the tenth time. “go to bed then and leave me here.”
“no, the whole point is to go to bed with you, that is why I’m sitting here.”
“well I really want to see what happens next so sleep here then.”
And he did, he went to fetch a blanket and he laid down with his head on my lap, about then minutes later he was out like a candle.
In just two weeks we’ll have two babies and we will become parents. I was thinking about names for a while now and I don’t know which one to pick. Jeff said I can name the babies and if he doesn’t like the names we’ll change it. So I was thinking that seeing they are boy’s and that they will be twins I will call them Theo and Tristan.
I could feel them kicking so I put my hand on my belly and smiled to myself.
I watched the rest of season one and couldn’t put in season two because Jeff is still sleeping on my lap. I looked out the window and saw the sun is coming up and I still don’t feel tired.
Jeff stirred and opened his eyes looking at me. He groaned and covered his face with the blanket. “you never even slept.”
“I’m not tired and season one just finished and I didn’t want to wake you, but seeing that you are awake now can I please change it?”
He groaned and sat up. Scratching the back of his head and stretching his arms.
I got up from the couch and changed the seasons.
Around 8:00 AM I went and took a shower, grabbed something to eat and went back to watching my movie. That is where I stayed the whole day until I eventually fell asleep.