Eliza POV
It’s been so long since I’ve sat on the Queen’s chair with a purpose. It’s been years since any packs has been invited to the kingdom.
As I sit here twirling my hair around my finger getting lost in thought there is only one thing that keeps coming to my mind, ‘what are they waiting for?’
Being frustrated is never a good thing, and the longer they wait the more frustrated I get.
What have they got to lose? They are low class wolves and a grandson I have never met, nor do I want to now.
He has every right to claim the throne and I will gladly give it to him, IF he gets rid of his mate. And keep the Kingdom fox free.
“what are you doing in here?” Mario asked as he came in.
“well, I haven’t used this chair in years so I thought I will use it now.”
“use it for what Eliza?” Mario asked and raised a brow at me.
“you know where I come from Mario, and you still chose to love me despite my past. From an Omega to a Queen is a very high jump, and I’m not about to lose my place or give it up to a fox.”
Mario walked closer until he was standing right in front of me, “why do you hate Foxes so much? And I want the truth Eliza.”
I looked at him and I couldn’t decide on whether to tell him or not. I finally took a deep breath and decided on the truth.
I told him my story and I thought that he would walk away or worse… leave me.
“so you have Fox blood in your family and you never even thought of mentioning it to me?”
Mario said and he looked more disappointed than angry, “we lost our son because of this Eliza.”
He just had to play that card. I could feel my anger rising and all sense walking out the door.
“at least he wasn’t hunted down and killed Mario. I gave birth to him and we made a decision that it is going too far. That he was losing control, and wolves started fearing him so much that they left.”
“that is not the point Eliza, he would have been king, his Fox would have been under control… we would have still had our son, and grandson.” Mario said and I could hear the sadness and defeat in his voice.
“I will not give up this throne for a Prince that knows nothing about being a king and a fox whom I hate so much.”
“you don’t even know if she is a fox.”
“her mother was one Mario, how much more proof do you need?” I shouted and got up from my chair and went to stand in front of him, I could feel my anger rising. I looked at him and took a step back as if he struck me. “why are you defending her when I just told you my story?” I asked.
“she is just a child Eliza, and she has been through hell and back, don’t you think that if she wanted to do anything she would have done it by now?”
“get out Mario. Just leave me alone. If you want to defend her, then be my guest, but don’t expect me to stand with you.” I said and turned around walking to the window not caring if he stayed or left.
I never knew that loving someone so much that you will give and do anything for them and then they disappoint you hurts physically.
I am a Queen and I will stay Queen if I have my way, and try I will.
Zanian POV
It’s been a week since Deliah gave birth and we haven’t seen her much, she is too busy with the babies and sleep. She said that they are quiet during the day, but at night it’s like they just can’t sleep.
I’m currently in the room with Chrystal trying to come to some agreement, but failing.
“I have no idea what to do. I mean, if we do something then we are wrong and if we do nothing then we will be cowards.”
“let’s just wait until after the babies are born then we can make a decision, but as a pack Zanian.”
“I don’t want anyone to get hurt Chrystal so what if we do this without them?”
Chrystal shook her head at me and got up from the bed walking over to me. She put both hands on my shoulders and smiled softly at me. “we have a pack Zanian and all of them would give their lives for you, and they made that decision the day they excepted you as their alpha. So we are not doing this alone.”
I looked at her and nodded my head, I have nothing else to say, and I don’t feel like starting a fight so I just nodded my head and kept quiet.
I put my hands on her belly and felt the babies kick.
“how much longer?” I asked her
“well I don’t know, because my brain sais two days, but my body is saying longer”
I groaned and hung my head. When I looked at her she started laughing at me.
“why are you laughing?”
“Zanian, my water just broke.” She said and now she is not laughing she is looking at me dead serious. I looked down and saw her standing in a pool of water, and might I say it doesn’t smell very pleasant.
I just stood there frozen. I have no idea what to do.
“Zanian, Hospital now!” Chrystal shouted and broke me out of my trance.
I picked her up ignoring the wetness and speed walked to the hospital. Jeff took one look at us and said, “take her to room one her bed is already ready.”
I looked at him and walked off with him following on my heels.
I put Chrystal down and she screamed. I had to cover my ears for a second.
Jeff started working and Chrystal grabbed my hand and squeezed. Her strength made me jump and I tried pulling my hand free, but she just wouldn’t let go.
Chrystal POV.
“Get these things out of me!” I shouted and it feels like my whole body is on fire and I’m being torn apart from down there.
I don’t know if I should scream or cry or just faint, because right now it feels like I want to do everything and nothing at once. I felt a cramp and I felt like pushing, so I did.
I grabbed Zanian’s hand and heard Jeff say, “if you feel like pushing, then Push.”
I was gripping Zanian’s hand so hard I think I heard a pop, and it was confirmed when I heard him groan and bent down.
I gave a push and it was all over. I heard the baby cry and within the next two minutes I felt like pushing again.
The door opened and Deliah came in, she ran to Jeff’s side and took my baby and Jeff got back to work.
When it was all over and I had both babies in my arms my whole world came together and at that moment I knew I would do anything to keep them safe.
The first girl has silver hair and green eyes, and the last one has black hair and blue eyes. They might be twins, but they will have their own personalities and they will be so different.
“what is their names?” Zanian asked and looked down at me with so much love that I actually started crying. I looked down at my girls and said, “the dark haired one will be Hazel and the silver haired one will be Isabella.” I said and looked at Zanian.
He kissed my forehead and whispered, “perfect.”
Jeff kept me in the hospital for three days before he let me go home. My babies are healthy and very strong and they are beautiful.
Tracy finally showed me the nursery and I was shocked into silence. Everything is pink and purple and the cribs are one pink with flowers and one purple with the moon and stars. It looks like the Galaxy.
“this looks absolutely beautiful Tracy.” I said and she just smiled at me. She took one baby from me and walked into the room.
We put the girls down so that they can sleep and I left to go find Deliah. Her boy’s has been crying non-stop.
I walked into her home without knocking. I didn’t even have to guess where she is because the boys are still crying.
I walked into her room and found her holding both babies trying to rock them.
“you need some help D?” I asked and stopped in front of her. She looked at me and she looks exhausted.
She handed me Leo and as soon as I took him he curled up in my arms and he stopped crying. With his small hand he grabbed my shirt and clung to me. Deliah looked at me and just gave a sight Tristan is still crying and she looked at me hopeless. I moved Leo to make space for Tristan and the same with him, as soon as he was in my arms he clung to my shirt, curled up and stopped crying. Deliah looked at me and threw her hands In the air, “what do you have that I don’t?” she asked and fell onto the bed.
I stood there holding the boys for about half an hour until I was sure they were asleep before I put them down in their cribs.
As soon as I put them down they woke up, so I put them both into one crib and took my shirt off putting it between them.
They both grabbed my shirt and fell asleep almost immediately. I walked back to dealih in just my bra and shorts and when I walked in she gasped and asked, “where is your shirt?”
I laughed and said, “a man will be a man doesn’t matter how small they are.”
Deliah looked at me shocked and asked, “you took your shirt of for them?”
“well, when I put them down they woke up so yes, I took my shirt off for them and they grabbed it and fell off to sleep again.”
Deliah looked at me funny so I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the boys room and made her look.
She looked down and then looked at me and said, “well I’m keeping that shirt.”
I laughed at her and didn’t realize Jeff came in until he said, “Really?” and he walked out.
I greeted Deliah and walked out. I paused in front of Jeff and said, “your boys will one day get a lot of females out of their clothes if you are not careful and walked off.”
I am not bothered about the fact that I’m walking in just my bra, but apparently some male wolves are. They stared at me, some just looked away and some kept staring until I heard Zanian growl and then every head turned away from me.
I looked up and Zanian was already busy removing his shirt and handing it to me. I could see questions in his eyes and just smiled at him.
I walked into the house and it was quiet, almost like everyone left.
I looked at Zanian and raised a brow.
“I chased everyone out, they made too much noise and the girls are sleeping.”
I laughed at him and walked to the kitchen I feel like cooking tonight so I took out some pasta and mince. My favourite dish and some steaks for the men.
Zanian stayed to help me and within two hours dinner was ready and the table was set.
It felt good to sit with everyone and eat as a family. I took something out for Spike as well so I will take it to him a bit later.
Everyone was talking about the new babies and Zane was complaining because Zanian said they have to be outside more and the top of the house is off limits.