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The Rogue Alpha’s Unexpected Mate Chapter 42

Kyle POV

“Zane lets go already.”

“I’m coming just give me two seconds.”

Looking at my watch I sight out of frustration. Today of all days Zane chooses to be late. He knew about the meeting for days.

“hey babe, you have everything you need?” Lilly asked as she came up behind me.

Her beauty has me speechless every time and it doesn’t matter that I see her every day.

“I have everything I need except for Zane. He is taking his time.”

Lilly just shook her head and smiled at me. She knows how frustrated I can get with Zane even though he is my brother.

“I’m done.” Zane said as he came down the stairs. I looked him over and slapped my forehead. I looked at him and asked, “where is your shoes? You can’t go to a business meeting wearing flip flops.”

Zane looked at me and then at his feet and ran back upstairs. Lilly burst out laughing and for some reason I didn’t find it funny.

“this is not funny. He is like a little kid that has to be reminded of everything.”

“Ohh come on, it is a little funny.” Lilly said and wiped her eyes.

“you ready to go?” Zanian asked as he came down looking like the business man he is, black suit tailored to fit him perfectly.

“yes, I’m just waiting for Zane. He forgot his shoes.” I said and shook my head.

Zanian walked past me and Zane came running down the stairs again.

“okay, I am ready now.”

The drive to the office was quiet. Zanian hasn’t been in, in a while so he has some catching up to do. Zane has a lot of paperwork that needs his and Zanian’s attention and I’m just going to help them.

“Zanian, when are we going to talk about what happened when you and Chrystal got taken?”

Zane asked and leaned forward from the backseat.

“when we know what we’re going to do.” Zanian said.

“what do you mean?” I asked, interested in the conversation.

Zanian rubbed a hand over his face and said, “we found out a lot of things and we have no next step yet, so we will speak to everyone as soon as we know what to do. If we react the wrong way it might start a war.” Zanian said leaving me even more confused than I was before.

No one knows what they found out, because they aren’t talking to anyone and the little we do know is not enough to fill in the blanks.

Zane blew out a long breath and shook his head. “well maybe a war is what we need, to set the wrong right and bring back order.” Zane said.

I looked at him and asked, “you don’t even know what they know and you are voting for a war. Do you even know whom the war will be against?”

“well no, but I’m sure we will know soon.” Zane said and looked at Zanian.

“what makes you so sure?” Zanian asked.

“well it’s been over four months since you came back, and I saw you and Chrystal talking in hushed voices a few times.” Zane said and I could feel the tension building in the car. I looked at Zane and said, “how about you just drop it for now and concentrate on everything you have to do today.”

Zanian looked at me and I could see his trying not to smile. Zane huffed at me and moved back.

Zanian POV

I got a call late last night saying that I’m needed in the office today. Zane and Kyle would have been the only ones going in, but now I’m going in too.

I don’t know which way to go anymore. All my attention was on Chrystal, my babies and what we are going to do and now work needs my attention.

All the males have calmed down and are no longer aggressive. I took Tommy and went in search for something connected to witchcraft or a female on heat.

We were out almost the whole day when finally Tommy picked up a scent that lead us to a female in heat.

She was hiding in a cave close to shore where the smell of salt is thick making it a bit more difficult to smell her. Tommy stayed back because he is unmated and his wolf is trying to come out. I walked closer and saw a figure curled up in a tiny ball and shivering.

She was a whimpering mess. I picked her up and soothed her before I walked out of the cave.

I told Tommy to go home and get every unmated wolf away from the pack house.

I saw his eyes flickering from gold to brown.

I growled at him and told him to go home and just like that he ran off.

I looked at the girl I’m holding and she can’t be older than eighteen maybe nineteen.

I took her home and put her in Chrystal’s old room knowing she will be safe there. Chrystal said she will look after the girl and make sure no male comes up.

Zane has been getting on my nerves ever since he started asking questions. I can’t give them the answers they are looking for when I don’t even know what to do. If we tell them we want to be able to tell them everything and not just some of it. We want to tell them what happened and what we are planning on doing, and to do that we still have a lot to figure out.

I tried not to smile when Kyle put Zane on his place. Between the two of them Kyle is a bit more mature even though he is the youngest. Zane still have a lot to learn.

“when you were at the office for that week, did anything happen that’s important?” I asked and looked over at Kyle.

He looked at me and said, “not really. It was mostly just meetings about the financial structure. Unnecessary costs waste and salaries. You will find all the paperwork on your desk.

“is there any new contracts?”

“yes there are two, one for a new block of flats and the other for a gym. Four offices is being rented out to them on the ground floor.”

Living in the middle of nowhere and having to drive a dirt road means my car is always full of dust or mud, which is fine because we mostly drive with the SUV.

Pulling up to the building I park the car and everyone gets out.

As we walk into the building people greeted us, some just nodded and some carried on with their work.

My office is on the top floor, Zane’s is just below mine.

Waiting for the Elevator a woman approached me, “Hi are you Zanian Black?” she asked.

“yes I am.” I said half hesitant. She smiled at me and then handed me a big brown envelope with my name on it.

I took it from her and she left. Zane and Kyle is looking at me with raised brows and I just shrugged my shoulders.

We have wolves and humans working in this building, the humans mostly find me intimidating and the wolves just tries to avoid me as much as they can.

Walking into my office I closed the door behind me and looked at the stacks of papers on my desk. I rubbed my hands over my face and walked over to the window.

I looked at the envelope the woman gave me and started to open it.

I took the papers out and read through the first one.

It is my mother and father’s will. I sat down and read through it.

When I turned the last page there was a note

{the will came a week ago so I sent you a copy. They left a few things for you just let me know if you want it. Dad left his businesses for the both of us, so just let me know what you want to do. Zack}

I read the note again and the will again.

a knock on the door is what broke me from my trance.

“come in.” I said and threw the papers into a drawer.

Stacy came in and lowered he lashes at me. Groaning internally I looked at her.

“welcome back sir.” She said in what she thinks is a seductive tone.

“thank you. How is my schedule looking for today?” I asked ignoring her pout.

She handed me a sheet of paper and I noticed that the top button of her blouse is open.

No meetings, no conferences, and no appointments. I looked up and said, please call Louis and ask him to be here by 3 O clock.

Stacy smiled at me and said, “a woman named Chrystal called. She asked if you can phone her back.”

I took out my phone and dialled Chrystal’s number.

“Zanian, OMG I don’t know what else to do.”

“slow down C. what do you mean?”

“the girl, she is crying and she is burning up.” I could hear the worry in her voice.

“okay, give me a minute and I will phone you back love.”

I dropped the call and looked at Stacy, “please call Zane for me and send him in when he gets here.”

She walked out and closed the door. Heat for a female can be very painful depending on their rank. A few minutes later Zane came in and closed the door.

“you called for me?”

“yes, do you know of any woman in the pack that is gay?”

Zane looked taken aback and just stared at me. “I think Amy is gay, but we hardly see her why?”

I took out my phone and called Chrystal.

“where are you?” I asked

“I’m in the kitchen why?”

“okay, go outside and look for a woman named Amy. Tell me when you’ve found her.”

Zane was staring holes into me waiting for an answer, but he will find out in a second.

“I found her and she is not a woman she is a girl.”

“okay give her the phone please.”


“yes Alpha?”

“can I ask you a personal question?”


“are you gay?”

It was silent over the phone for a second then came a faint “yes.”

I gave a sight out of relieve and I’m sure she must be confused.

“do you have a mate?”

“no not yet. Alpha do you mind me asking why?”

“I need your help. We found a female and she is on heat, but she is suffering. I just need you to give her release. I can’t ask a male because he would end up taking advantage so would you be able to help?”

“are you sure Alpha?”

“yes, I’m sure. Speak to Chrystal and she will take you to the girl.”

Zane POV

Zanian has lost his mind and not just some of it he lost it completely. I stood there listening to his conversation and I can just imagine how the girl is feeling. She must be blood read from blushing. Never before have I heard Zanian ask a girl these kinds of questions certainly not about her sexuality.

I couldn’t help but stare at him like he has grown three heads. When he put the phone down he looked at me and said, “the girl is in pain I have to do something.”

“Zanian, how can you ask someone to have s*x with someone else?”

“I’m not holding a gun to her head it’s still her choice Zane.”

“Imagine how Amy is feeling now. Do you think she will be able to look you in the eyes again?”

“Zane get out and go back to work. Next time I will ask Tracy.”

That is all it took for me to change my whole attitude. I turned around and asked, “is she going to help?” I asked and saw the laughter on Zanian’s face.

He smirked at me and just nodded his head. Never in my life have I been happier that a female will help out another female.

I left the office and walked past Stacy. The way she is looking at me it looks like she is ready to kill me.

“Zane can I ask you something?” she asked out of the blue and I stopped dead in my tracks.

I looked at her and I could see she is a bit uncomfortable.

“sure. What is it?”

“is Zanian married?” she asked and looked down at her hands.

“not yet, but he has a girlfriend and two daughters why?”

She looked at me and I swear I could see tears in her eyes. She smiled at me and said, “I was just wondering.”

‘yah right.’ I thought to myself and left.

She has been after Zanian for as long as I’ve been here, but I think she finally got the message.

By lunchtime I was half way through my work and I had about five cups of coffee.

Kyle came in carrying two paper bags and I could smell burgers.

“I thought you might be hungry.” He said and handed me one bag and a huge chocolate milkshake.

We ate together and I filled him in on what Zanian did and how he did it and all Kyle did was laugh and shrugged his shoulders. “well he cares and he knows how dangerous a male can be around a female in heat.”

“yes, but just imagine how Amy must feel. How would you feel if you were in her shoes?”

I asked and waited for Kyle to answer.

He just looked at me and said nothing.

“eat your food before it gets cold.”

I picked up my burger and started eating.

“have you seen Stacy today?” I asked Kyle.

“yes, and she doesn’t look well. Why?”

“she asked me is Zanian is married.”

Kyle choked on his burger and started coughing. He looked at me and asked, “and what did you tell her?”

“I said no he has a girlfriend and two girls.”

“no wonder she’s looking ill. You popped her bubble.”

“yah well someone had to.”

We finished eating and Kyle left, leaving me to my work again. I can’t wait to get home and fall onto my bed. Just the thought made me yawn and my eyes droop.

I shook my head and told myself just four more hours.

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