Chrystal POV
“Hush little baby don’t say a word mama’s going to buy you a mocking bird, and if that mocking bird don’t sing papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring, if that ring is made of Brass mama’s going to buy you a looking glass, if that looking glass gets broke mama’s going to buy you a Billy goat, if that Billy goat don’t pull mama’s going to buy you a cart and bull if that cart and bull turns over papa’s going to buy you a dog named Rover, if that dog named Rover don’t bark mama’s going to buy you a horse and cart, if that horse and cart falls down you’ll be the sweetest little girls in town”
I looked down at the girls and saw that they are fast asleep. I lay them down and when I look up Zanian was standing in the doorway.
“I didn’t know you can sing like that.” Zanian said.
I looked at him and noticed that he is dressed in a business suit again. “you going to the office again?”
“yes, there is some last minute things I need to take care of and then I am all yours.”
Zanian walked over to me and kissed my forehead before walking out. I gave a sight and stared after him. Since he came home yesterday he hasn’t been himself and when I asked him about it he said that it’s nothing.
Deliah’s boy’s has been sleeping like rocks ever since the girls shared their cribs.
I walk out if the nursery and closed the door.
“I’m going to see Vicky, if that’s okay.”
I smiled up at Amy and said, “no problem. Just let me know if you need anything.”
She gave me a sly smile and walked into the room.
Yesterday when Zanian phoned Amy almost died of embarrassment, but I spoke to her and told her it’ll be okay and when I showed her the condition Vicky was in she agreed to help.
When Zanian got home yesterday Amy couldn’t look him in the eyes and tried avoiding him.
I have spent the whole day Chasing males out and making sure no one comes onto the top floor. As every male there were some that took a chance and tried to sneak past me, but I took care of them quickly.
“so when are we going to talk about what to do next?” Zara asked as she came up from behind me. “every plan I thought of ends in war, and that is the last thing I want. They lied and covered the truth. That is their burden to carry all we want is to know why.
“from what I have seen at the Castle you won’t be able to do much talking. They are getting ready for a war.”
“well then it’s time we do something isn’t it?”
I stood there looking at Zara and I just realized something, I haven’t seen Spike in a while.
I asked Zara to stay here at the top and keep the males away and I walked into Zanian’s office closing the door behind me and locking it.
I moved the bookcase and walked down the steps.
“Spike, you here?” I called out and waited for him to answer me. I looked around and it’s not as messy as it used to be. The books are put back onto their shelves and the table is almost cleared.Please visit J o b n I b . c o m and search the book title to read the entire book for free. “Chrystal what a surprise.” Spike said as he came around the corner.
“I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Are you though?”
Spike looked at me and gave me a sly smile. “yes, I am. I’m just tidying up and putting the books where they belong.”
Spike doesn’t seem okay, he is talking way too fast and he hates cleaning. “Spike, what is going on?” I asked and sat down on the bottom step.
He gave a sight and came to sit next to me. With his big black eyes he looked at me and for the first time since I met him I actually saw sadness in his eyes.
“it doesn’t matter what you choose or how you want to avoid a war, it’s inevitable.”
“what do you mean?” I asked knowing exactly what he means.
“you are too good for this world Chrystal, and not everyone will see things the way you see them.”
I looked at spike and I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want a war because not everyone that will fight is guilty. Innocent blood will be spilled.
“Spike, can you not tell me what to do?” I asked in hopes that he would, but I know he can’t.
“if I could I would give you all the wisdom and knowledge I have, but unfortunately I can’t.”
I rubbed my hands over my face feeling more lost than I was a minute ago.
“I can tell you this, you will know what to do when the time is right.” Spike said and got up.
I looked at him for a second and then made my way back upstairs.
Zanian POV
I groaned and sat back on my chair. This is not how I imagined my day would go.
I spoke to Louis yesterday in regards to my parents will and I signed off every right I had to the businesses. I don’t want anything from that man nor do I want something from my mother. I phoned Zack and said I will be sending him new documents and I told him that I don’t want anything. He tried making small talk, but I didn’t have the patience to deal with him.
I dropped the call and carried on with my work. I am almost done with the paperwork on my desk the only thing I have left to do is salary increases.
“Mr Black there is a man on line two for you.” Stacy said and left my office. I don’t know what happened with her, but her whole attitude changed. She went from flirting to all business like overnight. Not that I mind, but I do wonder what happened.
I thanked her and picked up the phone.
“Zanian, it’s good to hear your voice.”
I stared at the phone wondering who this is, “you might not remember me, but I was your grandfather’s partner until he bought me out.”
“Uncle Steward?”
“Just Steward please. You make me sound so old. How are you doing Zanian?”
“Drowning in work, but surviving.”
“What can I help you with Steward?”
“well I’m hosting a charity ball and I have two extra tickets. Can I put your name down and then you can bring a plus one?”
“thank you for the offer Steward, but I’m going to say no.”
“okay, just let me know if you change your mind then.”
We said goodbye and I put the phone down. In the years that I have been running this business he has never called me, so why now?
I carried on with my work and at lunchtime Zane and Kyle came in carrying burgers and coffee.
I didn’t know I was starving until I smelled the burgers.
“so how is your day going?” Kyle asked and looked at me.
“as slow as ever, why?”
“we saw Stacy, and I must say whatever you did really worked. She is so uptight now she can make a broom jealous.”
I looked at them lost for a second and then said, “I didn’t do anything.”
Zane looked at me and Kyle looked at Zane with a raised brow, “you told her Zanian has a girlfriend and two daughters didn’t you?” Kyle asked Zane and realization set in.
“yes, well someone had to tell her.” Zane said and looked at me.
He looks like a dear caught in headlights. I just shrugged my shoulders and started eating.
When we were done Zane and Kyle left and I got back to work. Halfway through my work my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and without checking I answered.
“Zanian, what time are you coming home?” Chrystal asked and she sounds worried.
“I’m not sure why?”
“Because when you do and you find the house upside down don’t ask questions.”
“what is going on there?”
“the males, they keep coming in so I have Zara and Tracy helping me keeping them out.”
“okay, just keep them out until we come home, then we’ll move her.”
I heard something break and growls. I got up from my chair and cut the call.
I phoned Kyle and Zane telling them to meet me at the car.
I drove home in record speed and ran into the house. It is a mess a few wolves are passed out on the floor. We stepped over them and ran up the stairs.
I saw Chrystal grabbing a wolf choking him until he passes out and then dropped him to the floor.
I growled and in my alpha voice chased every male from the house. Even with a female on heat they cannot ignore an alpha.
Zane and Kyle helped with the passed out wolves, picking them up and taking them out.
I looked at Chrystal and she looks exhausted.
I walked over to her and threw my arms around her kissing the top of her head.
Later that evening we all had dinner and we started talking about the day and what everyone was doing, Amy joined us in the pack house and she is not feeling shy or embarrassed anymore. Vicky’s heat should stop within the next two days.
Amy told us that she Vicky is an Alpha’s daughter and she got lost running away from her brother. We don’t know what pack she if from yet, but we will find everything out as soon as she is better.
Everything was quiet and then it wasn’t. Tracy screamed and jumped up, Zane getting ready to attack, Zara looked horrified, and Amy just sat there staring open mouthed.
I followed her line of sight and gasped as I saw Spike standing in the door.
Zane growled and moved forward, but Chrystal jumped up standing between them and Spike.
“Everyone just sit down.” I said leaving no room for an argument.
“What is that?” Tracy and Amy asked simultaneously.
Chrystal moved away from spike and smiled down at him.
“This is Spike, and he is a part of our pack.” Chrystal said and pulled out a chair waiting for Spike to get on. When he sat down he looked around the table at everyone staring at him.
“Didn’t your mama ever teach you it’s rude to stare?” Spike asked in his oh so familiar sarcastic voice.
“Spike what are you doing out?” I asked a bit confused.
“well I was feeling lonely and I guessed that now is a good time to meet some of the pack, and I was hungry.”
I looked at spike and said, “well help yourself.”
He looked at the food and then at Chrystal and between the two of them it looks like they are having a conversation, but without actually speaking.”
Chrystal got up and walked out of the dining room leaving Spike to smile his million dollar smile.
“where is she going?” I asked Spike.
“she is making me my favourite and only she knows how.” He said in a duh tone as If I was supposed to know.
Spike looked around the table and I could tell he is starting to get a bit uncomfortable by the way everyone is staring at him.
“what are you?” Amy asked and reached her hand out to touch him but he leaned away from her.
“don’t touch what you can’t afford honey.” Spike said and Amy actually blushed.
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“for such a small thing you sure do have a mouth.” Tracy said.
“it’s nice to finally come out.” Spike said and just looked at everyone around him. His eyes are sparkling and he truly looks happy.
Chrystal came in with a plate of food and set it down in front of spike. He looked at her and just smiled. She took her hand from behind her back and set down a glass of chocolate milk for him.
When he started eating everyone watched in amazement. For a small thing like him he really does eat a lot.
Chrystal made him a plate full of half cooked BBQ ribs. In between bites he actually wiped his mouth.
“this is sooo good.” Spike said….
Everyone started excusing themselves from the table and left.
Zane and Amy was the only two that stayed behind, looking at Spike as if he might go up in smoke.