Zanian POV
Standing in front of the pack I have created about to give them the truth seem much more difficult now than it was an hour ago. Having more than 600 pairs of eyes on me has never bothered me before. I cleared my throat and said, “You might want to have a seat, this will take a while.” I watched as many of them sat down and the ones that chose to stand moved to the back. Chrystal smiled a reassuring smile at me.
After what feels like forever I have finally finished explaining everything and I answered all the questions everyone had without difficulty. They were questions like,
“Are you really the lost prince?”
“Is your father really Odin Cork?”
“So you are going to war against you grandparents?”
But the most important question, “what are you going to do?”
It took me a minute before I could answer that one, but I eventually did and I told them, “it doesn’t matter how we approach them war will be the outcome.”
Spike was also there standing between Chrystal and Deliah. He has met most of the pack, but there is still a few that’s scared of him. All he did throughout this whole talk was nod his head like he knows everything I’m saying.
I dismissed everyone and now things will change. It already started changing. Wolves are now bowing their heads to me.
I looked over at Chrystal trying not to get annoyed, but if we do this and we win then this will be every wolf’s reaction to me and I will have to start acting like royalty.
As soon as everyone left I walked over to Chrystal pulling her to me burying my head in the crook of her neck inhaling her scent. All my frustrations eased up and I could feel my mood changing.
“this took way longer than I thought I would.”
“well you are still alive and this is only the beginning, you still need to address the males.”
When Chrystal said that I couldn’t help but groan, I really do have my work cut out for me.
“Zane, please have all the males meet me here in one hour.”
I looked around me and thought about everything I did every wolf I have helped and if we win then we can help many more wolves.
“you are a great leader Zanian, and you have every wolf here supporting you and respecting you.”
“I know Deliah, but this is just all happening so fast.”
“It was bound to happen eventually Zanian.” Chrystal said and laid her hand on my arm. I looked at her and wish that I could just scoop her into my arms and fly away from here to a place no one has ever heard of. I am not afraid for me, but I am afraid for her and what if something happens to her?
I will never be able to live with myself. “why can’t you just stay here until it is over?” I asked in a whisper rubbing my thumb over her cheek. She looked at me and for a moment I saw anger in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced with irritation. She shoved my hand away from her face and said, “we went over this Zanian and it is not happening. you have a reason for doing this, well so do I. I will either fight beside you or I will fight alone.”
I let out a long breath and rubbed my hand over my face. “you are something else.” I said and watched as her smile grew.
An hour later I was standing with the males going over the training schedule and said I will train with them and teach them all I know, Tracy said she will also teach what she knows. The females are to continue training with Chrystal, but they will only fight if they volunteer they will not be forced to fight.
We have a total of 400 male wolfs and it is not nearly enough. I know I won’t get help from any packs around here.
A dead end is fast approaching; I thought and watched as Chrystal walked over to Zane.
When she started speaking to Zane I saw him stiffen and then relax he nodded his head and then said, “Tracy left she will be back tomorrow.”
Chrystal blew me a kiss and then left.
Chrystal POV
Everything is happening so fast yesterday no one knew anything and today they know everything, we didn’t even have a plan yesterday and today we do. I mean how much crazier can the day get?
when the males started coming to the field Tracy walked up to me and laid her hand on my shoulder. “this is not nearly enough wolves to take on the kingdom.” I could hear the concern in her voice and I share that concern, because I know we will be outnumbered.
“I know someone who owes me a favour.”
That got my attention. “What do you mean?”
“Before my parents threw me out I was friends with a very powerful vampires son, he was like a brother to me. I helped him get away from his father and start his own life.”
“Do you know where he is?”
“Yes, and I know he will help without getting my family involved.”
I smiled at her and said, “Well then do what you have to do, we will take every bit of help we can get.”
“Just tell Zane I will be back tomorrow.”
“Sure. Just be safe and come back in one piece.”
If it wasn’t for my wolf eyesight i swear she made herself invisible, but she was just using her vampire speed and took off towards the woods.
I went to tell Zane leaving out some of the details for later. If she says she can help then I believe her.
Deliah won’t be fighting she will be staying here with the babies and the others. Jeff will also stay behind because he is the only doctor this pack has.
As for the rest, well that is still open for discussion. The males will fight, but the females won’t be forced. As for me, well I will fight this became personal when I saw how they killed my mother in cold blood.
Zanian tried talking me out of it, but I will hear nothing of it. He is fighting for his birth right, and I’m fighting for my mother, and for the future of our kinds and species.
Tracy POV
I thought about this for a while now and I never wanted to get anyone involved in our business, but when the males started coming onto the field I realized that they will not be enough to take on the kingdom, no matter how strong Zanian and Chrystal are they won’t be able to protect everyone and themselves.
I walked over to Chrystal and told her my plan, but the problem is I now have to face lost memories and old feelings.
Having a mate now, doesn’t erase the fact that I have a past, A very hot, juicy and steaming past.
I will ever cheat on Zane I will never even think about it, but how will he react if he meets my first love?
My mind started wondering and scenarios started playing off in my head of how this can go. They can either shake hands or they try and kill each other. Knowing myself I will make sure that the first option is the only one they have.
I was never planning on seeing Julian ever again, but we need his help now and he really does owe me a favour.
I could have just used teleportation if I wanted to, but here I am running and thinking and the two doesn’t go together.
Looking up I stare into two iron gates shaped in the form of two wings almost 10ft high. I don’t know what to do. Should I knock, should I yell? I haven’t seen him in a very long time.
I looked around for a bell or something, but couldn’t find one. When I looked up someone was looking at me. I almost jumped out of my skin and if my heart was beating I’m sure it would have exploded. “Holey mother of…. You scared the crap out of me.”
“what can I help you with?” came the man’s reply.
“I’m here to see Julian please, tell him “diddo” he’ll know who I am. I told the man and he ran to who knows where using vampire speed.
**Flash back**
Why do you never say “I love you?” but always reply with diddo? Julian asked dragging his hands through his hair looking like a Greek God.
“because when I do say “I Love you.” I want to say it to someone I will be with forever And “diddo” means me too.”
“well I will take what I can get from you then, in fact I think that will be your new nickname. From now on I will call you Diddo.” Julian said and threw me over his shoulder slapping my butt and threw me onto the bed.
I laid with my head on his chest Tracing circles around his tattoos. Having him shirtless is like having a viewing in my own private art gallery. He has so many tattoos and each one has a meaning, something important that happened and he wants to remember. My personal favourite is the angle and devil dancing. He said that it reminds him of us, the day we met.
Snapping fingers brought me back to reality and I couldn’t help but smile at the memory. I looked at the person and my smile fell.
“follow me and I will take you to him.” The man said, and I still don’t know his name.
“you know you are very rude, you don’t ask my name, you don’t tell me yours. You speak as if it bores you and you don’t even have enough manners to say hallo.”
I said and saw the way his eyes hardened and his face was void of any emotion.
“well next time I will remember to set up a tea party.” He said and I burst out laughing. His sarcasm is almost as good as mine.
He looked at me funny and I could see a smile wanting to form, but he keeps it at bay.
“you can smile you know. It won’t tare you’re face muscles.” I said and winked at him.
“well aren’t you quite the flirt?” I heard someone say and looked up. I stopped dead and swallowed hard. I was staring at Julian in his full 6.8ft gorgeousness. ‘this is so not fair.’ I thought to myself and licked my lips. The years did nothing but make him even hotter if it was possible.
His flawless golden brown skin still has a natural glow and his muscles looks bigger in that white button down shirt he is wearing. I looked up at his face and his features is still sharp and flawless, straight nose, high cheekbones, sharp jaw and oh such kissable lips, Lips that I have tasted many times over.
‘what am I thinking? I have a mate now.’ I scolded myself and managed a small, “hallo Julian. It’s been a long time.”
I looked into his blue green eyes and remembered how I used to get lost in them.
“yes it has been diddo. 300 years to be exact.” He said and I could feel my inside cringing at the sound of his voice, Still as rough and deep as ever.
I looked down at the ground took a deep breath and then looked up, “I need your help please.”
I asked and he just stared at me. The way he is staring feels like he is looking straight through my soul.
“no letter, no note, not even a goodbye.”
“we knew it’ll end eventually and you found your mate the day before, I could smell her on you so I made the choice I knew you couldn’t.”
“you could have at least gave me a choice diddo.”
“I couldn’t because I knew you’d choose me and I couldn’t promise to do the same when I found my mate.” I said and saw the confusion in his eyes. “you rejected your mate and you never came to find me.”
“do you even know who my first mate was?”
“everyone knows, he is the reason you got banned isn’t it?” I didn’t like where this conversation is going to so I just nodded my head and said, “I wasn’t sure if you were with your mate or not, and I didn’t want to cause trouble.”
“well no need to worry, my mate died during the mating process. Turns out she was a weak human girl stuck in the body of a grown up.”
I gasped at that and looked up at him, “I found my second mate Julian.” I said and all I received was a smile from him. a crooked smile that means danger or business. “I know, I noticed the smell and the mark on your neck.” He said and walked closer to me. He put his thumb and finger on my chin and lifted my face so I can look at him, he moved his thumb over my bottom lip and I could see his eyes darkening, “does he make you feel as good as I once did diddo?” he asked in the lowest deepest most seductive voice.