Chrystal POV
“did you see that C?” Roxy asked and I could feel and hear her excitement. “I wish I was there so I could see his face.”
“never mind him Roxy I have a mate.” I said
“yes I know, but I am attracted to Julian.” Roxy said in a low voice pulling her ears against her head. When we teleported away from home we came to where we had our first date. The water is so clear that I can see my reflection.
That is the only thing I did for the first ten minutes when I got here. Roxy doesn’t like Zanian much for how he treated me in the beginning and now she is trying to make a connection with Julian. “you can’t have Julian Roxy because he has another mate out there somewhere and besides we have Zanian.” I said and she just huffed at me. I could feel sadness wash over me and I have never thought this could be possible. Every book I have ever read about foxes said that they don’t have emotions, but that is not true.
I was lying on the grass with my head in my paws when I heard a twig snap. I jumped up and took a fighting stance ready to jump on anyone trying to sneak up on me. When I looked over at the woods I could see Julian walking towards me with his hands raised.
‘how the hell did he know where I’ll be?’ I asked myself staring at him in wonder as he walked closer. He was dressed in dark blue jeans and a white shirt and his hair is messy, probably from the run. In his other hand he was holding a dark blue shirt and it looked huge.
When he was close enough Roxy pushed me back and took control. She walked over to Julian and rubbed against him as if wanting to mark him with her scent. Julian just chuckled and ran his hand through her fur making her shiver.
“we need to talk.” He said and let his hand fall against his side. Looking at me he looks sad, but why?
“Can you shift?” he asked and I shook my head no, because I didn’t bring any clothes and I’m not about to be naked.
He laughed at me and said, “I figured so I brought you one.” And he showed me the shirt putting it in front of me and turning his back. When I was sure he wouldn’t peak I quickly shifted and threw the shirt on. This isn’t Zanian’s shirt I said and looked at Julian.
When he turned around he was smirking, “no it’s mine. I thought you can have it seeing as there are wolves on the front.” I looked down at the picture and true there were four wolfs standing on a cliff howling at the full moon.
“what do you want to talk about?”
He sat down on the grass and patted the space next to him so that I can sit down. I sat down next to him and he began speaking.
“I know now that you are as attracted to me as I am to you, but nothing can be done about it.” He said and looked at me pleadingly, almost like he wants nothing to happen, but secretly wishes for something to happen.
“I know. I have a mate to which I am mated and I have two beautiful girls, besides it’s not me who is attracted to you it’s my fox Roxy.” I said and I wish I didn’t say anything because now I can see the questions behind his eyes.
“how is that even possible?” he asked and I could see amusement behind his eyes.
I laid my head in my hands trying to figure out a way to explain without making Zanian look bad.
“don’t think so hard, just explain it to me.” He said and now his whole body is turned towards me and his playing with a flower.
I explained some of it only the pieces that involved Roxy and why she is now looking for a mate in someone else not so much for me and Raven, but for her. Someone she can call her own.
I looked at Julian and saw him smiling. “I’m flattered that she thought it could be me, but I found my second chance and I’ll be damned if I let her get away for the second time. She just doesn’t know yet, I will tell her when all this is over.” Julian said and I could see the love in his eyes as he spoke and then something clicked.
“Tracy.” I whispered and saw his shocked expression. At first he wanted to deny it but I held up my hand stopping him.
“how did you know?” he asked looking defeated.
“I’m good at figuring things out, and if you look close enough you can see everything.” I said and took his hand in mine. “I won’t tell anyone, besides it’s not my story to tell.” He looked at me and smiled then leaned in and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and then I became serious, “how did you find me?” I asked him and saw his expression changed. “well I spoke to Zanian and he told me all the places you could be and I figured you would be here.” He said and shrugged his shoulders.
I looked at him and started getting u from the ground. “well I have to go back seeing as I need to clear up some things, so you coming?” I asked him and watched as he stood up.
I licked my lips and looked at his face.
“when you look at me like that it would make keeping my hands off you a bit harder.” He said and took a step closer to me. I was fighting with Roxy because she wants control.
When he laid his hand on my cheek and rubbed circles I lost the fight against Roxy and Julian’s lips came down onto mine. I couldn’t do anything except wait for them to finish and then Roxy is going back into the box, because how will I be able to explain this to Zanian. What if he feels something? I started pushing at the wall and finally got through, but it was too late. The kiss was so heated that I started feeling uncomfortable. I tried pushing Roxy back but she wouldn’t budge so I just waited. It feels like I am violating her privacy and I do not like it one bit because it is my body.
Julian POV
I was still standing like an idiot looking around for Chrystal, but she is gone.
Zanian came out behind me and at first I thought he’s going to punch me by the way he balled his fist, but he exhaled and unclenched his fist holding his hand out to me I take it a bit hesitantly and shake.
“I’m sorry.” He said and I almost choked on my spit. Never in my life have I heard an alpha apologize and certainly not the future king, they are way too proud.
“don’t worry about it, but I do need to speak to Chrystal and clear up some things.” I said and saw understanding in Zanian’s eyes. He told me three places where she might be and I knew where she is. She told me it’s her favourite place. I waited for Tracy to finish up because I needed her to teleport me home so I can get a few things and one being clean clothes. I have no problem wearing Zanian’s clothes, but he does smell like a wet dog and I have no desire to smell like him.
I sat on the grass with Deliah whom I have met this morning only. She is very friendly and bubbly I met Chrystal’s girls and Deliah’s boys. Looking at them I thought about having kids of my own one day and looked up to Tracy and wonder how many kids will she want?
She looked up and caught me staring to which she just grinned and continued training.
When she was done she walked over to me with Zane following on her heels. She fell down on the grass resting her head on my lap. I looked up to find Zane staring at me, but I couldn’t quite make out the emotion behind his eyes. “how was training?” I asked just to make light conversation. Tracy looked at me and said, “do you have to ask?” I smiled at her and said, “I need you to take me home I have to get some clothes please.” She exhaled loudly and got up from the ground pulling me up with her. i have forgotten how strong she is and was amazed by it once again.
She looked at Zane and said, “I will be right back, please fix me a hot bath.” She walked over and kissed him and then she took my hand and teleported us to my house.
A second later when I opened my eyes I was in my living room looking at the familiar paintings. “it truly is amazing what you can do.” I said and made my way upstairs with her following behind me.
“yah it is, but not as cool as reading minds though.” Tracy said and half smiled at me.
Years ago when we were still dating I taught her how to close her mind off from me and I guess it’s something she never forgot because not once have I been able to hear what she is thinking.
I grabbed some clothes and when I turned around I caught Tracy staring at me, but she was so lost in thought that she didn’t see me come closer. When I was in front of her I rubbed my thumb over her cheek brining her back into reality. She sucked in a breath and stopped breathing all together.
“Julian we can’t…” she started saying but I crushed my lips to hers not giving her a chance to finish her sentence. I let go of the bag letting it drop to the floor and put my one and on her waist pulling her snug against me letting het know and feel what she does to me.
I out my other hand behind her head holding her in place and deepened the kiss hearing her gasp as I run my tongue across her bottom lip. She denied me entrance so I grabbed her butt and squeezed hard. When she gasped I took the opportunity and slipped my tongue into her mouth and the fight for dominance began.
She wasn’t rejecting me nor was she giving in.
We don’t need to breath so I can keep doing this until she just gives in and gave in she did. I could feel her body leaning into mine as she stopped holding back and the soft moans coming from her didn’t do anything to calm me. Instead it just made me more hard and made me want to take her right here right now, but I can never do that to her.
I broke the kiss and stepped back looking into her lust filled eyes and swollen lips. I rubbed my thumb over her lips and said, “soon it will all make sense.” She looked at me confused and then said, “let’s go back.” I picked up my bag and took her hand and we were gone once again.
When we go to the pack house se practically ran away from me and into the house.
Using my vampire speed I went to put my bag down grabbed the first shirt I saw and ran to find Chrystal.
When I found her I was once again amazed by her beauty, or should I say the beauty of her fox? Everything about her screams power and strength and her eyes truly are magnificent. I could stare into them the whole day and not bother about time.
When we spoke I could see understanding in her eyes, but also sadness. Why would she be sad? She is supposed to be happy she has a mate and they are mated and she wears his mark, so why is she sad? I asked myself and soon found out.
Everything makes sense now. I’m not attracted to Chrystal but her fox, only because she is trying to form a connection with me. ‘how is that even possible’ I asked myself.
When I saw Chrystal’s eyes change between their normal blue and purple I knew Roxy was fighting for control. ‘if I don’t do this I will regret it for the rest of my life.’ I thought as I walked closer to her and sealed our lips together. At first she was still didn’t even move, so I moved closer and pulled her body against mine. I kissed her like she is the air I need to breath, with urgency I have never felt before not even when I kissed Tracy. I could feel Chrystal’s body relax and fall into mine fitting perfectly. I dragged my hand through her hair breaking the kiss just for a second and stared into the beautiful purple eyes I have ever seen.
“beautiful.” I whispered and kissed her again, this time she was kissing me back with just as much urgency. When my skin came in contact with hers sparks lit up between us and we both gasped. I pulled away and just stared at her knowing she felt it too.
To test the theory I laid my hand on her arm and I could feel sparks everywhere I touch. When she looked at me again her eyes were blue and I know Chrystal has control again.
I looked at her and she mirrored my expression, shock and confusion.
Before she could say anything I left using Vampire speed.
‘what the hell is going on? I asked myself as I run with no destination in my head.