Eliza POV
I have been preparing for almost 9 months now and they still haven’t made a move. I mean how long does it take for them to do something? I have been doing research trying to find the weakness of a fox and I haven’t found any… yet. Everything has to have a weakness it’s a matter of where to look.
Mario has been of no help to me. He’s been so focused on training his soldiers and making sure they will be ready, and to think he wanted to leave and run like a coward and now he is working harder than everyone.
“Have you found something?” Mario asked as he came into the library.
“Does it look like I found something?” I asked looking at him with a “duh” expression.
“Have you found the book of legendary tales?” he asked me and started searching the bookcase.
‘of course. How can I be so stupid?’ I thought to myself as I started searching with him.
An hour later we finally found the book, but some of the ages has been ripped out and guess what pages.
“Every page about the Fox has been ripped out.” I said and threw the book onto the table.
“I can see that Eliza.” Mario said and fell into the chair with his head in his hands.
“This waiting is killing me, are you even sure that they will do something?” Mario asked.
“How can they not? Chrystal found out about her mother, Zanian knows the throne is his birth right. Shall I go on?”
“okay fine you made your point. Do we know where they are because if they don’t want to bring the fight here then we take the fight to them.” Mario said and he looked dead serious.
“all we know is he might be at the house where Odin used to live.” I said and looked for a map.
“do you know where that is?” Mario asked sitting up.
“no I do not, but it is said that our wolves know.”
“what are you doing with a map Eliza?”
“I am circling every pack surrounding the kingdom and then I will pinpoint where they are. I mean how hard can it be?”
Mario got up from his chair and came to stand beside me. Together we marked every pack leaving only unmarked territories open which is more than I would have liked because it will make searching just so much harder.
I looked over at Mario and said, “we will send wolves out to each unmarked territory just to observe and report back.”
“how many do you need?” he asked looking at the map.
“about sixty wolves. I don’t want to send them alone so two will go together.”
“okay, we can use some of the trained wolves. They will leave tomorrow. Make sure they know where they are going.” Mario said and walked out of the library.
I stayed up most of the night marking each territory and printing out more maps.
When I was done there was one territory left near the coast. I decided to not put that in the other maps as for I will go there.
It’s about high time I get out a bit. I left the library and took a shower then climbed into bed. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes until sleep finally claimed me.
Tracy POV
How is this possible I asked myself as I stand there staring at Julian from a distance. Yesterday I was ready to jump his bones and today I almost feel nothing. I don’t have the desire to be near him or to kiss him. I don’t feel the need to touch him nor do I look at him as anything but a friend.
“what are you thinking about?” Zane asked me as he came to stand next to me.
“something is wrong with me.” I said and looked at him.
“what do you mean?” he asked.
I explained what is going on in my head, or tried to at least. When I was done he just looked at me and said, “it’ll be okay.”
That caught me off guard because he didn’t sleep in the bed last night because of Julian and I and now he is so cool about it. I looked at him sceptically and then watched Julian again.
He was standing with Jeff outside Chrystal’s room not saying a word.
I thought I saw lust in his eyes when Chrystal removed the cover revealing her bare legs, but when I looked again it was gone. ‘I really am losing my mind.’ I thought and turned around to walk away. Zane followed behind me smiling like an idiot I tried asking him about it and al I got was, “you will know soon.”
What does that even mean? I just shook my head and walked into the house. I need a long hot shower and three years of sleep.
I found Deliah and Maggie in the kitchen busy cooking and it smells to die for. I am very happy that I can eat normal food, the only down side is it doesn’t make me full.
I have been living on bag blood ever since I came here and I must say I wish for fresh blood from a living person. I didn’t realise my eyes changed until Zane taped me and handed me a bag of blood. I looked at the blood and decided to just go out and hunt for something even if it is a rogue, but I need a live body.
“I think I’m ganna hunt today.” I said and walked back out of the house. Before Zane could accompany me I used my vampire speed and took off.
I was well away from home when I stood and listened to my surroundings. I caught the scent of deer, bear, lion, and finally rogues.
They smell disgusting, but I will settle for anything except wild animal. ‘okay technically rogues count as wild animals, but they are half human.
I followed the scent and finally saw the group. They were buff looking men with wickedness behind their eyes. ‘well the world can definitely do without you lot’ I thought as I made my presence known. The one thing we are good at is being stealth.
“well, well, well look at what we have here.” A talk dark haired guy said.
Everyone turned and looked at me smiling and grinning. I grinned back knowing they won’t be smiling for long.
I made quick work of them keeping the biggest one for last. I must say he put up a good fight, but he lost in the end and I got what I came for. Covering each body with leaves and branches I teleported myself home thinking I’m in dying need of a shower.
Zanian POV
When I saw Julian sitting ith Chrystal my first thought was killing him, but then I remembered that, that is why Chrystal ended up in the hospital in the first place. I was so set on having her reject him, that I was ready to walk out on her.
When I felt a pain in my chest I knew I’ve done something I swore to never do again and that is hurt Chrystal. This is the reason her fox chose someone else.
I walked back and accepted them and just looked at her. I couldn’t move because Blaze was having it out with me making me feel even worse.
When he finally gave up and blocked me out I saw Julian holding Chrystal and he didn’t look so good himself. He handed Chrystal over to me and then he collapsed. I cursed under my breath.
I moved Chrystal a bit holding her with one arm and Spike helped he lift Julian so that I can carry him over my shoulder.
And that is how they got to the hospital. I had to walk so that no one sees me because explain a war is one thing but explaining this situation will never end.
Jeff asked Questions to which he got no answers to so I’m sure he made his own assumptions. He started working on them saying, he has no idea what to do with Julian because he has never treated a Vampire before.
He hooked Chrystal up to machines and I don’t know what else and he left. I didn’t leave her side for two days until Julian finally woke up.
I went to get some coffee have a shower and a change of clothes and when I came back Julian was still out so I sat down and fell off to sleep. When I woke up I saw Julian standing next to Chrystal’s bed holding her hand. I heard him say the words and remembered that Chrystal accepted him this morning in her sleep. I don’t know if it was her or her Fox but either way we are stuck with a third wheel for now.
“what do you want me to do Zanian?” Chrystal asked me throwing her hands in the air. We have been going on and on about the same thing and that thing being Julian.
“well we know you cannot reject him, and he won’t reject you. Tracy was supposed to be his second mate not you.” I said walking around the room.
“yes well look how that turned out.”
“we will figure this out, until then I want you to avoid him.” I said to Chrystal expecting her to fight me but she didn’t. she just hung her head and nodded.
“will you be able to?” I asked looking at her.
“I don’t know Zanian. I feel what Roxy feels and he is her mate so I will be attracted to him and I would want to be close to him so I don’t know.” She said and I could hear the tiredness in her voice.
“you need rest and lots of it.” I said and kissed her forehead. She rested her head on my chest and threw her arms around me.
At least she is not blaming me anymore. I thought as I hugged her close feeling the tension leave her body.
I picked her up and carried her to the bed laying her down and covering her with a blanket.
I left the room and went to my office when I stepped in I came face to face with Tracy.
“so you leave me with training for three days and then I see Chrystal is in the hospital and no one knew.” She said and huffed at me.
“I know, and I’m sorry. I will do the training tomorrow and you can take a break.” I said not really thinking because my mind is on other things.
“I know you spoke to Julian and what is going on Zanian?” she asked coming straight to the point.
“it’s complicated Tracy and I don’t have the time now to explain, but if this is real then everyone will know soon enough.” I said and saw the confusion on her face.
I was starting to get irritated and I think she saw because she said, “I will just give you some time and see you at training tomorrow.” And she left.
I sat in my office trying to think of anything that might help me when Spike came in. I looked at him and he looked like he has something to say, so he did.
“don’t get rid of Julian just yet, he can help you.” Spike said and paused.
“you will need the help for what is to come.” I looked at him confused and asked.
“what is coming?”