Eliza POV
It’s been days and we still haven’t found anything. We’ve searched every part of the unmarked territories on the map and found nothing. I’ve heard back from multiple pairs saying they haven’t found anything and they are going home. Mario wasn’t keen on the idea that I’m going out to search, at first he tried convincing me saying, “that is why we have warriors so that they can do the heavy work and we just give orders.” I haven’t been out in so long that I forgot how big this forest really is and how beautiful it is. As a girl I was always outside so much that my mother made up a story about monsters that comes and takes little girls who plays alone after dark.
‘taking a trip down memory lane is the last thing I want to do.’ I thought to myself as I made my way back home. I was almost home when I got a link from one of the groups we sent out,
“I think we found them.” Gavin said. he is our head warrior and also the strongest.
“what do you mean you think?” I linked back. [wpdiscuz-feedback id=”0klgpeb9op” question=”Please leave a feedback on this” opened=”1″] J O B N I B . C O M asking for your feedback on this book.[/wpdiscuz-feedback] Usually wolves cannot link when they are this far apart, but royalty wolfs can link however far they are as long as they are still in the same state.
“the last unmarked territory on the map, we just got here and the smell of rogues are everywhere.” Gavin linked me back.
“okay, get a closer look, but do not and I repeat do not let them see you.” I said knowing that he will try and do something stupid.
“there is vampires here.” Gavin said and I stopped in my tracks. Vampires and wolves don’t get along, so why would there be vampires.
“what do you mean?” I asked
“we masked our scent and got up into a tree closest to the border so we can see and the smell of a blood sucker hit my nose.”
“okay, Gavin I want you to see if you can see anyone that stands out.”
“no, everyone here looks like ordinary wolves.” Gavin said and I started thinking, we have to make sure that is the right pack before we kill more innocents.
“Gavin I need you to create a scene and make sure to look out for a girl with long silver hair. If you find her you will find him.” I said and waited.
The link went quiet so I shifted and ran home. Once I got home I shifted back into my human form and pulled an oversized shirt over my head.
It’s been almost half an hour and I still haven’t heard anything from Gavin.
“Gavin did you find them?” I asked over mind link and all I got back was,
“yes it’s them.” And the link closed. I tried linking him a few times, but I heard nothing back.
I walked into the house and into Mario’s office where I knew he would be and said, “we found them.”
Mario looked up at me putting the papers down he was holding and said, “where?”
“the last unmarked territory on the map.”
I pulled the map out from his drawer and laid it on the table pointing at the spot.
Mario looked up at me and said, “so what now Eliza?”
I took a minute to think about it and said, “now it will begin.”
Chrystal POV
Zanian has been in Alpha mode since this morning giving orders walking up and down.
I’m currently in our room getting dressed after I had a very relaxing shower. No one expected a fight and certainly not from royals. There is one question that keeps going through my mind, “why would Royals associate themselves with rogues?”
From what I know rogues hate the royals and royals would die before forming an alliance with rogues, so what was all that about?
I knew this was coming and that we put it off for far too long and now the time has come. It’s either kill or be killed.
I walked out of the room and stopped in front of Zanian’s office. I could hear he is on the phone so I just opened the door and walked in. I sat down on the couch and waited for him to finish.
When he was finally done he let out a long breath and walked over to me, “Tyler will be here with his wolves in the morning.” Zanian said and took a seat beside me laying his head on my lap and throwing his legs over the armrest. I dragged my fingers through his hair trying to relax him a bit.
“how are you holding up?” he asked me.
“I knew that this will happen, it was just a matter of time.” I said “and honestly I never thought that they would come looking for us.”
Zanian tilted his head back so he can look at me and said, “yah well they found us, so I will rather take the fight to them and keep the members staying behind safe, than have them come here.” I stared at him for a minute and smiled.
“what are you smiling about?” he asked me
“you would make a great king Zanian. You are loving and caring and you think of others before you think of yourself.” I said and kissed the top of his head, moving down to his forehead, his nose and finally his lips. It feels an eternity since I’ve last kissed his lips.
He put his one hand behind my head holding me in place. The kiss was slow. Not needy or rough.
Zanian fell asleep on my lap and I sat for a while letting him sleep. I look down at his sleeping form and smiled to myself as I though he really needs a shave. He doesn’t have a full beard, but it’s long enough for me to pull out, which I am tempted to do. I sat there looking at his features and they look so relaxed he looks so peaceful when he sleeps, no stress lines no frowns and no pretence.
The office door opened and Julian came in. he looked at me and then at Zanian’s sleeping form and closed the door softly.
He picked up a chair and brought it closer then sat down. At first Julian didn’t say anything. He just sat there looking at me with a small smile playing at his lips.
“what?” I asked in a whisper?
“nothing, I just can’t get over how beautiful you are.” I heard him say in my head and looked at his smirking face.
“how’d you do that?” I asked in amazement.
“you are wearing my mark sweetheart, which means I can mind link you, feel what you feel and so much more.” Julian said and I just stared at him.
“why can I not link you?” I asked half disappointed.
“because my bond to you is complete, yours to me isn’t.” Julian said and for a moment he almost looked sad, but covered it up quickly.
“what do you mean? I asked.
“I marked you so I can link you, but you haven’t marked me yet so you can’t link me.”
Julian said and looked at me I formed an O with my mouth and tilted my head to the side a bit, “Roxy didn’t mark you?” I asked half shocked. Julian looked down and shook his head slightly then he looked at me.
“I didn’t want her to mark me because I want you to mark me while not in heat. I want to know that you accept me.” Julian said and I was shocked. I feel like a terrible person.
Do I like him? yes of course. Do I love him? that is a question I cannot answer.
Knowing that he can read my mind I looked up at him and saw the pained expression on his face.
“Julian I just need some time. if you were in my shoes wouldn’t you need some time?” I asked feeling my eyes tear up as I saw the pain behind his eyes. He got up to leave, but I grabbed his hand. “I’m not rejecting you, I’ve already accepted you I just need a little time can you give me that?” I asked and his eyes lightened up a bit. He leaned down and kissed my lips before he pulled away and said, “I’m leaving later today, but I will be back tomorrow or the day after.” I watched as he walked out of the office closing the door behind him.
“I will give you all the time you need.” Came Julian’s voice in my head. I smiled and laid my head back.
I was looking at the ceiling thinking about random things when Zanian jumped up looking bewildered. He rubbed his hands over his face looked at me.
“hey are you okay?” I asked him getting up from the couch.
“I know what I have to do.” he said and left leaving me behind feeling confused as ever.
I groaned to myself and followed behind him. ‘I hate when he does this.’ I thought to myself as I follow him into the room.
Zanian POV
Getting ready for a war is by far the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do, to make sure everything and everyone is ready and that the plan is solid is not easy. When I left the field I went straight to my office, knowing we will have less than a week before the royals come here. That is the last thing I want because there are innocents here even if they are rogue they are still innocent. I called Tyler letting him know what happened and that if he is still willing to help I would appreciate it. he said he will be here in the morning with his wolves.
Knowing that I will have to move some wolves to make space for Tyler and his wolves and Julian with his Vampires, those together with mine will be enough.
I rubbed my temples and sat down. I picked up the phone and dialled the number Zara gave me before she left.
I was still speaking to her when Chrystal came in and took a seat on the couch waiting for me to finish up.
I finished up and walked over to her and took a seat next to her laying my head on her lap. For some reason I just feel like I haven’t seen her much and I will take what I can get. She hasn’t been with Julian either that much she is mostly with the girls.
I wasn’t tired when I first came to lie down, but when Chrystal touched me I relaxed and my eyes closed on their own accord and I fell into a dreamless sleep. Or so I though.
At first I didn’t know where I am just that I’m dreaming. Everywhere around me is trees and I’m standing on a path. I followed the path for a few minutes not knowing where I’m going, but I kept walking.
“why are you hear?” I heard someone ask and looked around. I couldn’t see anyone at first but then and elderly woman with long grey hair stepped out from behind a tree.
Her face is wrinkled up and her eyes look tired. “who are you?” I asked taking a step back as the woman came closer.
“it doesn’t matter. Why are you hear?” she asked again looking at me.
“I don’t even know where here is.” I said honestly.
“you came seeking for help I see? And yes you do have quite a story on your hands.” The woman said and when she looked up at me her eyes were glazed over and it was like a pale white grey colour.
“what are you talking about?” I asked looking at her as though she has grown two heads. Now I know why Chrystal hates being left confused and unsure.
The woman grabbed my hand and said, “I cannot give you what you want dear child, but I can lead you to where you need to be.”
“you are not making any sense.” I told her and I could feel my frustration rising.
“you will know what to do when you see it.” the woman said and motioned for me to keep walking. I did just that and when I turned she was gone. I continued on the path and that is when I saw it, the house of the councilmen.
‘of course.’ I said and slapped my head. The council is of the highest and oldest rank chosen by the moon goddess herself when she still walked the earth freely.
‘okay now how do I wake up?’ I asked myself looking around. When I turned around to go back to where I came from that same woman whom I spoke to was behind me. “good luck Zanian.” She said and blew something into my face.
I jumped up from the couch and rubbed my hands over my face but I couldn’t feel anything. I looked at Chrystal and saw her startled expression, “hey are you okay?” she asked and started pushing herself off the couch.
“I know what I have to do.” is all I said and turned to leave.
Now I just need to find them because as the saying goes, “you don’t find them, they find you.”