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The Rogue Alpha’s Unexpected Mate Chapter 67

Julian POV

“where are we going?” Chrystal asked again.

I have her eyes covered and I told Zanian what I have planned and he agreed that she would love it.

It took me a while to come up with this, but eventually got the perfect idea for a first date. Zanian didn’t come with so it’s just me and Chrystal he said he doesn’t want to be a third wheel which is perfect actually.

“Julian this is madness, where are we going?” Chrystal asked again.

“you will see when we get there.” I said picking her up bridal style because at the pace she is walking it would take us years to get there.

She screeched and grabbed onto me. “what the hell?” she yelled.

I chuckled at her reaction and just kept walking.

We finally reached the clearing where I have everything set up perfectly. I used the same spot Zanian did I just did something different. It took me three days to get it perfect.

I bought a wooden garden gazebo and had it placed near the small waterfall and I had it completely decorated with every type of flower you can think of and hung fairy lights all around. I wanted the date to be close to sunset so that she could get the full experience of what I had planned and set up. I set up a table for two with three of Chrystal’s favourite meals. For a starter she will have fresh rolls and salted butter, main course steak and chips and for dessert waffles and ice cream and to drink well she can choose what she wants. ‘I just hope she likes it.’ I thought as I set her down.

“finally.” She breathed out with a loud sigh.

I spun her around so that she is facing me and removed the blindfold. She blinked a few times and then looked at me. I gave her a soft smile and put my hand on her cheek.

I leaned down and whispered “Beautiful” in her ear because she has the dress on that I bought for her. It’s a soft strapless pink dress that reaches just above her knees with white sandals.

I held my hand out for her to take and started walking towards the gazebo. When she turned I heard her take in a deep breath and gasp. I looked down at her and her eyes were filled with excitement and amazement.

“when did you do all this?” she asked looking at me.

“it was difficult, but I managed.” I said and smiled at her. the only reason it was difficult was because I didn’t want her to be suspicious so I would do everything when I said I’m hunting and even then I was careful because the last time she found me.

“this looks beautiful.” She said and smelled the flowers. I took one of the lilies from the table and stuck it behind her ear. She touched the flower and looked up at me.

“what is this for?” she asked looking around.

“because I want to show you how much you mean to me and I will spend every day for the rest of my life proving it to you.”

I said and I saw the emotions behind her eyes. She stepped closer to me and put her hands around my neck and stood on her toes. She brought her face closer to mine and a painfully slow pace. I saw a small smile on her lips and said, “you are torturing me.” and I crushed my lips against hers.

I put my hands around her waist and pulled her snug against me and deepened the kiss.

Chrystal broke the kiss to pull in a much needed breath and laid her forehead against mine.

When her breathing evened out I lead her over to the table.

We sat and spoke for hours until she got hungry and finally decided to eat. I took out my phone and called Tracy. She said he will be our waiter today since she was the one to help me set all this up.

Tracy brought the starters and some whine which she set down and left.

I stared in amazement as Chrystal ate licking the butter from the knife.

“what?” she asked me bringing her finger up to her mouth to lick the remaining butter.

“it’s fascinating watching you eat. I never knew you like butter this much.” I said

“only salted butter nothing else.” She said pointing the knife at me to make her point clear.

Zanian POV

I eventually found Tyler and spoke to him about what the council said. I asked Deliah to get a team of girls and cleat three rooms on the top floor for more guests and I spoke to my warriors and told them about the plans and the strategy and about the council’s decision.

I am currently sitting in my office thinking about everything and what we are going to do.

I haven’t seen spike since the elders arrived and I don’t blame him for hiding.

Maybe when all of this is done he would like to come out of hiding.

I got up and poured myself a much needed whiskey and looked out the window. there has been no fights and no trouble instead everyone is getting along just fine. Zane went and bought a whole projector set with the huge white screen and everything so that everyone can watch movies. A part of the back yard has basically been turned into a ‘drive in’ except without cars instead blankets and pillows.

I wish I had Zane’s imagination sometimes because he can really come up with silly ideas which actually work.

Everything has been arranged and everyone knows to be ready tomorrow because tomorrow we will be leaving for the kingdom. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Julian and Chrystal are out on their date. I thought I would be jealous or angry or feel some resentment towards Julian, but I don’t. instead I see him as Chrystal’s mate and whenever they are together I feel nothing but love and calmness.

I wish I knew how this works but I have no idea. Blaze has been nothing but calm and I can’t remember the last time he lost control on a full moon.

It’s almost nine at night and the moon is high in the sky and the yard became quiet. I left my office at around seven and decided to watch a movie downstairs. The council still isn’t back yet and neither are Chrystal and Julian.

I decided to put on another movie and get myself some popcorn and a milkshake.

I just sat down when I heard the front door opening.

I got up and left the lounge to go see who is here. When I walked out I was greeted by the elders and our newest guests.

“Ah Zanian you’re still up.” Derek said and shook my hand.

“this is May she is our strongest witch, she just went through her ascending.” Derek said gesturing towards a young woman with hair as red a fire and ice blue eyes.

“this is her husband Garry and he is a warlock.” He has light brown hair and blue eyes. He has a sharp jaw and a small but sharp nose.

“this is April and her husband Elrick.” Derek said pointing towards a dark haired woman and man with caramel skin.

“and last but not least, this is Marcel otherwise known as Volt. Be careful her speciality is electrocution.” Derek said looking at a girl she can be no older than 18 in human years. She had black hair with purple highlights and the length of her hair will make even Chrystal jealous. It reaches just above her knees.

I stretched my hand out and shook everyone’s hand introducing myself.

“we heard you have a fox for a mate.” April said and looked at me with a glint in her eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at her for a moment and said, “yes I do. and she is on a date so you will only see her tomorrow.”

I saw April’s shocked expression and Derek just looking at me.

“I haven’t told them everything yet.” He said with a guilty expression.

“it’s okay I’m sure there will be time.” I said and just then the door opened revealing a very wet angry Chrystal and a laughing Julian who is shirtless.

They stopped dead when they saw all the people and Chrystal pulled Julian shirt tighter against her.

“welcome back.” Derek said looking at Chrystal and Julian with amusement in his eyes.

“thank you and please excuse me.” Chrystal said and turned to Julian, “I don’t want you near me for the next three hours.” She said and walked off.

“it wasn’t even my fault.” Julian said and doubled over as he laughed. Chrystal stopped in her tracks and glared at him without saying anything and for a second her eyes turned purple which means Roxy is on the service. She just growled at him and ran up the stairs.

I looked at Julian with a raised brow and he started explain, “okat so we had a nice evening right and then Roxy made herself known and wanted to play so we did. it was innocent at first and then it became more serious. She wouldn’t listen so I threw her into the river.” Julian said and that explains it, “so Chrystal isn’t mad at you Roxy is?” I asked and now it was my turn to laugh when Julian nodded his head and said, “Oh no they are both mad.”

When the laughter fit died down I introduced Julian to everyone and told April, “this is Julian he is Crystal’s other mate.” Man did I enjoy the look on her face.

I remembered Zara asked me to phone her when the elders are back. I excused myself and walked off.

Zara picked up on the second ring and I told her they are back and that everyone is here.

We said goodbye and I walked to where I left everyone. I switched on the dining room light and said, “we can sit here until she comes and then we can all go to bed.”

Everyone took a seat except for Julian who excused himself to go put on a shirt.

April asked the usual questions and May just sat silently until she said, “do you even know who he is?” she asked looking at me with narrowed eyes.

“as a matter of fact I do. and Chrystal better than anyone because she can see memories. So yes, we know who he is.” May looked at me and for a minute she looked like a fish opening and closing her mouth but nothing came out.

Chrystal came in and kissed me before she sat down. “what are we waiting for?” she asked looking around.

“Zara said she wants to meet everyone.” I said and saw the smile on Chrystal’s face.

“who is Zara?” Derek asked

“my mother’s sister which makes her my aunt.” Chrystal said not wasting time.

“my mother’s mother my grandmother was a fox hybrid, my mother got the fox and Zara got the magic.” Chrystal said and realization dawned on their faces.

I looked over at Clarissa and them realising they have been really quiet. Clarissa caught me staring and just smiled at me.

“sorry to keep you all waiting.” Zara said as she came in. she walked over to Chrystal and kissed her cheek before she went around the table introducing herself, when she came to Marcel she just stared at her for a second before whispering, “Marcel?” everyone looked at them and Marcel had a sad smile on her face. “It’s nice to see you again Zara.” She said and got up and hugged Zara.

I could see everyone was curious as to how they know each other by the way they are starring.

Zara took a seat next to her and started explaining.

“it was just after my sister was killed and Donovan was exiled from the pack I left the kingdom. I wondered around for a few days not knowing what to do and then I came across a four rogues circling a girl when I walked closer to help the girl Marcel here warned me not to get too close. I looked around and then she said, “up here.” And there she was sitting on a tree branch looking down at me. we became sort of like a team for a while until the one day she just disappeared. I searched everywhere and I could never find her instead I found Donovan.” Zara looked at Marcel with narrowed eyes and said, “I thought you were dead.”

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