Chrystal POV
“Zanian what are you doing?” I asked as soon as I walked into the kitchen. He turned around and smiled at me guiltily and held up his hands.
I gasped and said, “no you didn’t.” I walked closer to him and he ran the other way.
“C lets be rational about this. we don’t want to start something.” Zanian said and moved to the other side of the counter. “you took the last one and you didn’t even share.” I said looking at him and the tub of chocolate mousse in his hand. “I didn’t know you would want.” He said trying to defend himself. I crossed my arms over my chest giving him a “are you serious look.”
I was still standing waiting for him to say something when I felt a tug in my mind. I opened my link and then I heard Julian’s voice. “trouble need help.” That was all it took and my body stiffened. “follow the link you are feeling.” I concentrated on the link and a menacing growl escaped my lips. I looked at Zanian and he was already walking closer to me.
“what’s going on?” he asked with concern in his eyes.
“Julian’s in trouble.” I said and started towards the door. “where are you going?” Zanian called behind me.
“to find him and kill whomever dared to touch him.” I said possessiveness seeping through every word. I even shocked myself at how possessive I sound.
“I’m coming with you.” Zanian said and was already undressing to shift. There is no use in me trying to keep him here so I sighed and walked up to Derek.
“you’re in charge, we’ll be back.” I said and shifted running towards the woods.
I stood still for a minute until I could feel the pull and took off running with Zanian right behind me.
He started to accept his position and his responsibilities and in return his wolf is getting stronger and faster.
“do you even know where you are going?” Zanian asked through mind link.
“yes, I can feel him.” I said and ran faster.
Julian POV
“why are you so calm?” my mother asked swallowing hard enough for me to hear. Judging by her fear she may have an idea of what I did or she doesn’t.
I shrugged my shoulders and looked at her, “why does my silence scare you?” I asked smiling sarcastically. She took a step towards the bars and looked at me. “what happened to you?” she asked. I looked at her and said, “oh dear mother has time erased your memory?”
I pushed away from the wall and stood up walking closer to her.
“I thought you were dead.” My mother said lowering her voice.
“I was for three days.” I said and saw her looking at me confused. “why didn’t you ever come home?” she asked her voice laced with sadness.
“because I have a reputation remember. You banned me.” I said trying to figure out if she is for real or if she really can’t remember.
“I never banished you I just chased you out.” She said defensively crossing her arms and glaring at me.
“it comes down to the same thing. You knew what he was doing and what he turned me into, yet you never even once told me the truth, n I had to find all that out for myself and when I lost my temper you threw me out.” I said grabbing the bars looking at her.
“you almost killed your father Julian so I threw you out to save your life.” My mother said looking at me.
For the first time I am really confused. “what is that supposed to mean?” I asked
She gave a loud sigh and turned her back to me. “your father was cursed, he stole from the wrong clan and a hag cursed him, if you killed him that day the curse would have been transferred to you because you share the same blood so yes I threw you out and yes your father died but that was all his own doing.”
I stared at her in disbelief and just shook my head, “then why am I here now?” I asked feeling slightly annoyed.
“because you did mate with another species and therefore the King has sent for you.” My mother said and I narrowed my eyes.
“how did he find out?” I asked crossing my arms.
My mother looked at me and gave me a sad smile Lara made contact and our conversation was overheard. Neither of us knew.” My mother said.
I stood staring at her when I felt a warmth spread over my body and I smiled. I looked at my mother and said, “I suggest you come in, as it would be the safest place for you to be.” I watched as her eyes went wide and just then she heard the growl. She looked at me and fumbled for the keys and the minute she opened the door I used my vampire speed and pushed her in slamming the door shut… with her on the inside and me on the outside.
We heard multiple growls and howls. I walked to the door and it’s locked. I took a wiff of the air and decided to just stand back.
I moved just in time and the door came flying past me. I visibly stiffen at the beautiful beast in front of me. I knew it was Chrystal from her smell, but she changed.
She is a mixture of white and purple that infuses like one big spiral. She has the mark of the Vulpes family on her forehead which is a pitch black diamond with a white V.
Her eyes are golden and purple and the way I could get lost in them.
I smiled and looked over to the cage where my mother was cowering in fear hugging the wall like she wishes it could swallow her up.
Chrystal left me and walked closer to the gate. Before she could pounce I laid my hand on her back and stroked her fur causing her to shiver and look at me. “so beautiful.” I said and stood back so that she could shift. And just then Zanian barged in looking like he hasn’t bathed in years. He is covered in blood and mud and leaves. I couldn’t help it I just had to laugh.
“you have got to be kidding me.” I said and looked at him.
He looked at me and said, “next time a little more warning.” I laughed and said, “you need a bath.” Chrystal shifted and literally jumped into my arms not even waiting before she crushed her lips to mine. I hugged her close to me not even caring that my mother is glaring at us.
Zanian cleared his throat and put his hand on my shoulder. “there will be plenty of time, but we have to go.” He said and picked Chrystal off me.
I turned to my mother and said, “mother I would like for you to meet my mate, Chrystal this is my mother.”
She swallowed hard because of the look Chrystal gave her and eventually just said, “nice to meet you.”
Chrystal looked between me and her and said, “I thought you said that you are in trouble.” She said crossing her arms.
“I am, because the king knows of our mating and a certain witch trapped me.” I said and stared at my mother.
“how did Helena end up part of all this?” I asked
“she is the kings personal lap dog.” My mother said and scoffed.
I nodded my head and looked at her, “why are you here then?” I asked. She looked at Chrystal and then me, “when Lara phoned and told me about your mate I wanted to see for myself, and now that I have well I don’t want anything to do with the mess that it will cause. The Vulpes family is the only Family every supernatural creature with a brain fears and for good reason.” My mother said and stared at Chrystal.
“yes well that is why we come back every few hundred years because the incompetence of the royals is an insult to our name.” Chrystal said looking at my mother taking a step forward.
She opened the gate and said, “you will deliver a message tell then a Vulpes sits on the throne once more and change is coming.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing I thought Chrystal wouldn’t know anything about her past or heritage and yet here she is talking as if she had known all along.
Chrystal stepped back allowing my mother out. She looked at me and smiled sadly, “we’ll meet again one day.” She said and she left.
Chrystal clapped her hands together and looked at me. “let’s go home.” she said and took my hand.
“what the hell just happened?” Zanian asked stepping forward “and what is a Vulpes?”
“I will explain everything at home.” Chrystal said and smiled at him softly.
Chrystal POV
It feels good to know my name can put fear into people. I didn’t even know about all this until a day ago. Yes I opened the book, but when I did something weird happened it was like I was reliving the past I could see everything happening around me yet I wasn’t really there. I even saw my mother in her prime years and learned that a fox has a very long lifespan for instance my mother was just over 500 years old. And I also found out that each tail gives you a life span of 500 years if you haven’t found your mate, and if you found your mate you lifespan extends to one of them dies.
I learned everything, my great, great grandfather Markus Vulpes was the very first and true King of the kingdoms, no one was above him except for the moon goddess herself.
And now I will hold the throne once more.
My life finally makes sense and I know my history I know where I come from. After we got to Julian I must say I was expecting more of a challenge because if they can capture a vampire king they must be strong, but when we got here I was disappointed. Not even the door was a challenge for me.
On our way home I kept looking at Zanian who is looking at me with narrowed eyes.
I sighed and said, “what is it?” I looked at Zanian waiting.
“how come I don’t know what you were talking about?” he asked and I could feel the sadness he tries to hide.
“I will explain everything at home.” I said and looked away. ‘I hate that he can make me feel guilty even if I didn’t do anything wrong. The rest of the way home was quiet and the walking is killing me, I didn’t even realise it was this far.
When we got home no one was in sight. I took a deep breath and sighed.
Sandy came running up to me, “where were you?” she asked smiling.
“I had to go help someone, why what happened?” I asked.
“the council is driving everyone insane with moving furniture and getting everything ready for when you come, and you are early so I came to stall.” Sandy said with her hands behind her back.
As soon as she said that I didn’t even think twice and fell down on the ground with everyone looking at me as if I’ve gone mad.
I patted the grass next to me and soon everyone was lying down with their eyes closed. I soaked in the sun.
I’ve never thought about this because I have no reason to, but I wonder what Roland, Natasha and Tony would say if they knew I’m queen.
I don’t want revenge nor do I hold a grudge I just want peace. I sighed and a smile played on my lips. I have everything I could ever wanted.