Chrystal POV
I woke up with a smile on my face knowing that today is the day everything will change and hopefully go back to normal and all the packs will leave. I haven’t seen Sandy at all yesterday knowing she must be with her mate I didn’t go looking for her instead I am waiting for her to shift and knowing I only shifted at nineteen I just hope she shifts sooner.
I wasn’t sure how I should feel, but happy is definitely one of them. I removed myself from Julian’s and Zanian’s arms and took a shower. I haven’t told them about the conversation I had with Amber and that I know who is behind the attacks. They will find out today as well as everyone else.
After my shower I got dressed in a red gown and did a little extra effort seeing as everyone is leaving and it would be my last day to play dress up.
“where are you going?” I heard Zanian ask sleepiness evident in his voice.
I turned around as smiled, “we have the meeting today. It’s Monday morning. Zanian groaned and fell back on the bed waking Julian who looks like a cute wild cat with his hair all over the place and his eyes still half closed.
“good morning.” I said and walked over to Julian and pecked his lips. I did the same with Zanian and said, “you have twenty minutes to get ready or you’ll be late.” I said and left the room.
I heard giggles coming from the girls room and stuck my head in. I saw them playing on the
“good morning my babies.” I said and walked into the room.
Hazel and Isabella jumped up and hugged my legs. “you look so pretty mommy.” Isabella said and smiled up at me.
I bent down and said, “and you look like a real princess in tour dress.” Isabella giggled, but Hazel had a scowl on her face.
“what’s wrong honey?” I asked picking her up.
“I want to be strong and not wear dresses.” She said and I smiled. “honey you are still too young we said you can start training when you are five.” I said holding my hand up showing her five fingers. She smiled a bright smile and kissed my cheek.
For a three year old Hazel is very clever and too advanced for her age. I have no doubt that she will one day be our best warrior.
I took the girls by the hands and walked out with them. as we went down the stairs on the second floor Natasha and Roland walked behind me.
“good morning.” Roland said with a distant voice. Natasha didn’t even bother greeting which is fine because they will be leaving today.
I came to a stop at the last step causing Natasha to bump into my back. I growled lowly and she immediately apologized. I looked out the front door and saw a crowd gathering. I picked Hazel and Isabella up making my way outside. I set them down on the grass and told them to wait there.
As I got closer to the crowd I heard groans and heavy breathing like someone is fighting. I pushed past everyone and gasped when I saw who was fighting.
I saw Sandy’s mate blood running from his nose and eye and just before the other boy could lay a punch I released my aura and growled.
The fight stopped and everyone lowered their heads. I saw Sandy running towards her mate kneeing beside him with tears running down her face.
“everyone is dismissed except you three.” I said looking at Sandy and them. when everyone disappeared I walked closer. “what is going on?” I asked Sandy.
“I can explain.” Sandy’s mate said and I realized I don’t even know his name.
He looked up at me and for a wolf he is really skinny and pale. “Sandy and I were just walking around talking when Brian came up and started insulting her so I defended her.”
I looked at Sandy and she lowered her head.
I looked at Brian and asked, “so what did you have to say to my daughter?” I asked and saw him swallow. Sandy interrupted and said, “he kept making fun of Liam for being weak and not deserving of a princess even if she is a fake on, and then he went on about how I should be with a man and not a boy.” Sandy said and I growled at Brian. He lowered his head immediately.
“what pack are you from?” I asked Brian. “The Blue River pack.” he said and my blood boiled. That pack will deal with consequences today.
I looked at them and said, “Sandy take Liam to the hospital. Brian you follow me.” I turned around and walked away. everyone was seated in the dining hall together with Zanian and Julian. Breakfast hasn’t been served yet so I closed the doors and dismissed the staff.
Zanian and Julian looked at me confused.
“good morning everyone. Let’s get this over with shall we?”
“something has been brought to our attention recently and I do not agree with what is happening. one of the packs in this room is attacking smaller packs and by doing this they associate themselves with rogues. So I will ask once only, who is attacking smaller packs?” I asked looking around the room at everyone staring at me wide eyes. I caught sight of Amber and looked directly at Arwen. Everyone looked at each other but no one spoke up.
“who does he belong to?” I asked pointing at Brian knowing full well what pack he comes from. Amber stood up and said, “he is the Beta’s son of Blue River Pack.”
“okay so we’ll start with the Blue River Pack.” I said and walked over to where Arwen is sitting. His whole body is stiff and he went pale.
“you see what makes me different from any other queen is I have a gift that allows me to see memories, so I will touch each and every alpha in this room unless one of you confesses.”Many sentences in this chapter have been removed because you are not reading them on J o b n I b . c (o) m . I said walking around the table standing directly behind Arwen.
I laid my hand on his shoulder and saw everything. All the crimes he has committed and the way he treats his mate and the attacks he arranged by paying the rogues in cash.
I removed my hand from his shoulder and he jumped to his feet ready to cut me with a silver knife. I dodged the knife and Zanian and Julian was by my side in a split second.
I grabbed Arwen by the throat and forced him to his knees.
“as if from today The Blue River pack will be banished. Arwen you will spend some time in the royal prison until punishment will be decided. Trying to kill or harm your queen is punishable by death. The rest of the pack will be sent to other pack and none will be allowed on kingdom grounds without an invitation or a summons.” I looked down at Amber and saw the sadness behind her eyes.
I called Zane and Kyle to take Arwen away. when he left Amber looked at me with a small sad smile upon her face.
“come see me after breakfast.” I told her with a smile on my face. I looked at Brian and said, “I should make you rogue for what you have done and the way you have disrespected us, but I won’t instead I strip you of your title and you will be an Omega.”
I watched as he paled and I walked off to enjoy my breakfast.
Everyone was silent after that and Zanian just kept smiling at me. Brian had to move tables to the Omega table and even he kept glaring at me.
After breakfast most of the packs left not wanting to stay longer than needed, I sent Kyle and Zane with Amber to make sure that the Blue River pack gets divided and nothing is left of that pack. they have instructions to bring Amber back with them as for she will stay here until she is ready to leave and if she doesn’t want to she can stay.
She won’t reject Arwen because of the baby, and I won’t kill him it might kill both Amber and her baby so I will wait until she is ready.
Julian POV
Having a bad ass queen like crystal is every Kings dream. After seeing her this morning she deserves the queen title more that anyone I have ever met.
Zanian and I have been planning this for a long time now and we finally got a call that we can pick up the rings and that is where we are going to now.
We had to lie to Chrystal to get away from her so we said, “Zanian has to go into the office to sign some papers.”
Zanian and I left as soon as the last Alpha left. We said goodbye and we left.
“so how are we going to do this?” I asked looking at Zanian.
Chrystal likes family and she would want everyone to be a part of the first biggest time in her life. So I was thinking remember that party we planned?”
I looked at Zanian with a smile on my face knowing exactly what we will do. “we can just rearrange the party and turn it into an engagement party.” I said and Zanian nodded his head.
After about half an hour we arrived at the jewellery store where the rings have been sent to.
I bought the diamond gold band and Zanian bought the diamond silver band, we chose these two sent because they fit into each other that way it’s one ring when it goes onto her finger.
We got out of the car and I get even more disgusted with the human girls who stare at us openly without any shame, even those hanging off the arms of their men or boyfriends.
We walked into the jewellery store and was greeted by a young female and for once she didn’t look at us with lust in her eyes and her smile was genuine and not seductive. I immediately felt at ease and smiled back at her.
“we are here to pick up a package.” Zanian said removing his card from his pocket and I did the same.
The girl dipped behind the counter removing two ring boxes. She set them down and her smile widened.
“they must be very lucky girls.” The girl said and we just nodded our heads.
I picked up the white box and opened it. the ring is even more beautiful in real life than it was in the picture. The diamond is not too big and the ring makes a curve where Zanian’s ring will fit in.
I showed him the ring and he showed me his and they are perfect.
“do you have any other colour ring boxes?” Zanian asked and the girl nodded and left.
She came back with a small drawer with different colour ring boxes.
Zanian picked one up with white and purple and I took the white one.
We changed the rings into the new boxes and gave the other two back. we paid for the rings and left the store with bright smiles on our faces.
“where to now?” I asked putting the ring in my jacket pocket.
“now we have some planning to do and I have just the person.” Zanian said as we walked to the car.
He took out his phone and dialled a number. A woman answered the phone.
“Nelly I need your help.” Zanian said starting the car.
“with?” the woman asked
“I need you to get a team together and help us plan a secret engagement party. We will give you all the details and anything will be taken care of.” Zanian said pulling out the parking lot.
“and when do you want this to happen?” Nelly asked
“by Wednesday.” Zanian said looking at me.
“okay I will come tomorrow, and see what I can do and I will get everything ready for Wednesday I suggest you book into a hotel or something. We don’t want her to get suspicious.” Nelly said and Damien smiled. They said goodbye and we drove back home.
This time next year Crystal will be our wife for life.