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The Rogue Alpha’s Unexpected Mate Chapter 88

Chrystal POV

Sandy and I waited for the pack to return as her mate went for a walk to give us some time alone. “how does it work?” Sandy asked with red cheeks.

“how does what work?” I asked playing dumb.

“having two mates?” Sandy asked looking away from me. I took a minute and thought about it and eventually just told her that, “it’s like nothing I can describe because I never thought of having two mates and I have never met anyone with two mates, but what I can tell you is that no one is above the other and we are all equal.” I said and saw a soft smile on Sandy’s lips. “how can you be so sure that the babies are Julian’s?” Sandy asked with pure interest.

“because I already have Zanian’s babies and I didn’t get as sick as I was and the girls grew much faster that these ones, because according to Jeff I am already two months pregnant and I haven’t even started showing yet whereas with Zanian I was showing within the first two weeks.” I said and Sandy smiled.

“I’m ganna have more siblings.” Sandy said and jumped to her feet just as Zanian came our from behind a tree with everyone following behind him.

They were all in their human forms with basketball shorts on. Zanian walked over to us and kissed me passionately.

“grosse guy’s get a room.” Sandy said and walked off leaving us behind.

Zanian put his hands on my stomach and looked up at me, “he or she Julian’s.” he said and rubbed small circles on my belly.

“how do you know?” I asked looking at him surprised.

“the heartbeat is slower than a wolf’s.” Zanian said and looked at me.

I smiled and asked, “how many do you hear?”

Zanian looked at me for a second before he’s face scrunched up in concentration and said, “there is two.” He burst out laughing just when Julian rounded the corner.

He looked at Zanian funny and then at me.

“well good luck.” Zanian said patting him on the back. Julian looked at him confused and watched him just walk off.

“what was that about?” Julian asked sitting beside me and putting me on his lap.

“the babies are yours.” I said and watched his smile grow before the realisation sunk in and his smile fell and his eyes went wide. He sat there staring at me in horror not even managing to form a proper sentence. “t… th… they?” he asked eventually looking like a dear caught in headlights.

I leaned in and pecked his nose telling him that everything will be fine and we got this.

Julian and I eventually made it up to the room and saw Zanian already showered and is now spread out on the bed like a starfish.

I took a shower and Julian took a shower and we met each other back in the room. I woke Zanian by accident climbing over him and snuggled up in the middle. I felt two pairs of arms around me and two heads buried in my neck.

“goodnight my loves.” I said and fell into a peaceful sleep. I have never dreamt so many things in one night and it’s like I could see the future well at least the one we are going to build.

Julian POV

I’m ganna be a dad… me. I nearly jumped out of my skin when Chrystal told me just before the fear settled in. I have no idea how to be a dad. I lay watching Chrystal and Zanian sleep and I wish I could freeze time and stay like this forever. No danger, no threats and no interference, just us and the bed in this room forever.

My mind has been drifting a lot lately to the time I was captured and held prisoner. Everything Helena said was true and I’m the reason her mate died, but why would she come after me now?

And what does Tracy’s father want with me I haven’t even been living by his rules since I’m supposed to be dead and my sister that betrayed me and called my mother why would she do that?

My mind kept wandering and eventually I fell asleep thinking I will find out what everyone wants with me without involving Chrystal and Zanian for as long as I can.

I woke up the next morning feeling butterfly kisses all over my face and sparks followed. I opened my eyes and looked at Chrystal smiling at me.

“good morning.” Chrystal said capturing my lips.

I put my hand behind her head and held her in place deepening the kiss.

We pulled away gasping for air as a smile stretched across her face. I looked at her lifthing myself onto my elbows and asked, “you seem very happy this morning. Is something happening?” Chrystal looked at me and said, “we are starting to build today or have you forgotten?” she asked with a pout and for a second she looks like a young innocent girl being refused candy.

“Can’t we stay here a little bit longer?” I asked pulling her so that she is lying beneath me.

I looked over and saw Zanian isn’t in bed and raised a brow.

“he’s dealing with Derek and them.” Chrystal said and I let out a groan. I forgot all about Arwen and the crimes he has committed.

I got off the bed and went to take a shower afterwards I got dressed and left the room.

I found Chrystal in the girl’s room surrounded by bunnies and laughter.

I said good morning to them and the bunnies and walked off to find Zanian.

“I want him executed because he tried to kill Chrystal.” I heard Zanian say as I walk into his office.

Everyone turned and stared at me including Zanian. I took a seat and said, “you cannot kill him because he has marked and mated Amber if you kill him it will kill the baby.” I said and Zanian groaned seeming to forget the most important thing.

“what if we ask her to reject him that way her bond will be severed and the baby will be safe.” Chrystal said walking.

“what do you mean?” Derek asked.

“well when the female rejects the male it’s different because the bond severs immediately leaving no emotional connection and the mark will fade over time.” Chrystal said taking a seat next to me looking around the table.

“and how do you know this?” Vivian asked.

“because I’ve done it to Zanian the only difference is I came back before the mark was completely gone.” Chrystal said making Zanian growl at the memory I presume.

“see if she will.” Zanian said and Chrystal left again.

Chrystal POV

I make my way outside in searching for Amber and eventually I found her sitting under the tree with Deliah.

“Amber can I have a work with you please?” I asked with a smile on my face not wanting her to panic.

I helped her stand and we walked off back to the office.

“what is going on?” Amber asked as soon as I closed the door behind us.

“have a seat.” I said and motioned towards a chair.

Amber looked between us fear evident on her face.

“don’t be afraid Amber we just want to ask you something.” I said and leaned loser to her. “you have to be completely honest okay.” I said and she nodded her head.

“do you still love Arwen?” I asked and her head snapped up. She looked at me with hatred evident in her eyes.

“no I do not I will never love again.” Amber said and I could feel the anger rolling off her.

“okay, Arwen is on death row and the only reason he hasn’t been killed yet is because of you.” I said and saw the confusion in her eyes and said, “if we kill him while he is still your mate it might kill the baby and you.” I said and her hands went to her stomach protectively.

Tears sprung to her eyes and I said, “there is a way for you and the baby to come out of this unharmed, but you will have to reject Arwen. It will hurt because he is your mate, but that is all it will be a bad heartbreak which you will recover from.” I said and saw hope behind her eyes.

“I will do anything, but I never want to see him again.” Amber said and closed her eyes.

“I Amber Gold reject you former Alpha Arwen Blade as my mate.” Amber said and let out a painful scream as the bond broke. She hunched over clutching her heart as tears stream down her face.

“it burns.” She yelled her hand going to her neck. I watched as the mark became blood red as it was made fresh.

“the mark is fading.” I said and put my hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her. I let her cry until she had no tears left while Julian, Zanian and all the rest made their way to the dungeon to do what has to be done.

“you will be okay Amber and your son will be what you raise him to be.” I said and Amber looked up at me through red eyes.

“I can never thank you enough.” Amber said and threw her arms around me in a crushing hug.

“the mark will be gone in a few day’s and you need plenty of rest, your body will feel a bit weak as you wolf recovers.” I said and helped her up from the chair linking Deliah to come to the office.

Deliah came in taking in the state of Amber and decided not to ask any questions.

“please take her to her room and stay with her for a while she will need all the support she can get.: I said and watched as they walk off.

Zanian and Julian came back saying. “it is done.” And they walked past me up to the room, probably to have a shower seeing that they are covered in blood. No doubt they killed him for almost killing me they are possessive and protective alpha males.

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